Ezwim Quaestor for Android
Once a month, Quaestor connects to the Ezwim server to download the detailed tariff plans and split billing policies for this phone number. At the same moment, the results of split billing of the past month are returned to the Ezwim server. After this monthly synchronization has been done, Quaestor operates autonomously and no longer requires connection to the Ezwim server.
Quaestor rates all usage (voice, text, data) on the device. It shows the actual cost of usage, both in (visual) reports and in notifications. Users are notified when the cost of usage exceeds a certain threshold, when they exceed their corporate budget, or when they are required to determine the category of a call (private or business).
The Quaestor app itself is free and can be installed by anyone. Ezwim starts to charge a monthly fee from the moment the user first authenticates on the Ezwim server. Quaestor is currently available for Android.
Quaestor requires the user to enter their EEM User credentials.
For more information, refer to:
by U####:
I was in the train, tethering, not realizing I had just a few mb left in my data bundle, until Quaestor sent me a warning