英语听力库 for Android
- 海量最精选的英语听力和口语内容, 配套原文和译文
- 实时生词查询及生词本功能,帮助用户最大程度地听懂和理解原文,并有助于记忆
- 支持离线学习,用户可以把内容缓存在本地,用以在网络状态不好的情况下学习,同时也帮助用户节省2G/3G流量,更好地利用碎片化时间
- 用户反馈,用户可以及时的向我们反馈遇到的问题,同时保证问题能够及时的解决
- The most massive selection of English listening and speaking content, supporting the original and the translation
- Real-time query words and words of this feature to help users understand and maximize the understanding of the original, and contribute to memory
- Support for offline learning, users can cache content locally to the bad state of the network in the case study, but also help users save 2G/3G traffic, better use of fragmented time
- User feedback, the user can issue timely feedback to our encounter, while ensuring timely problem solving