每日德语听力 for Android
- 拥有每天更新的海量听力库,并独家提供智能语音高亮跟随功能
- 与权威的法语词典软件《德语助手》无缝集成,查词典、背单词轻松搞定。
- 每天为您推送德语媒体最新的听力资源
- 每周为您推送由专人编辑整理的德语学习资源
- 收入海量日常会话训练、名人演讲资源
- 独家支持语音高亮跟随功能
- 独创LightPeek划词搜索功能,对文章中的单词即指即译
- 支持批量下载,离线使用,教室里、地铁里随时使用
- 起床闹钟功能,每天起床为您播放当天最新的法语听力
- 《德语助手》是最权威的德语词典软件
- 真人离线发音库
- 支持动词变位查询和反查
- 支持生词本、学习记录自动同步
- 支持单词复习记忆功能
- Has updated daily mass listening library and exclusive offers intelligent voice highlighting follows function
- "German assistant" seamless integration with the authority of the French dictionary software, dictionary, the word back easy to get.
--- Updated daily massive library of hearing
- Every day for you to push the latest hearing in German media resources
- Push your weekly edited by hand German Learning Resources
- Income massive daily training sessions, celebrity speakers Resources
- Exclusive supports voice highlighting follows function
--- Considerate operation ---
- Original LightPeek word search function, the article refers that the translation of words
- Support batch download, offline use, classroom, ready to use the subway
- Wake up alarm clock, wake up the day for you to play every day the latest French Listening
--- Seamless integration with the "German assistant" ---
- "German assistant" is the most authoritative German dictionary software
- Live offline pronunciation library
- Support verb conjugation and reverse lookup queries
- Support of the words, learning records automatically synchronize
- Support memory function word review
by U####: