About Etika Bisnis & E-Commerce
Perdagangan elektronik (bahasa Inggris: electronic commerce atau e-commerce) adalah penyebaran, pembelian, penjualan, pemasaran barang dan jasa melalui sistem elektronik seperti internet atau televisi, www, atau jaringan komputer lainnya. E-commerce dapat melibatkan transfer dana elektronik, pertukaran data elektronik, sistem manajemen inventori otomatis, dan sistem pengumpulan data otomatis.
Industri teknologi informasi melihat kegiatan e-commerce ini sebagai aplikasi dan penerapan dari e-bisnis (e-business) yang berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial, seperti: transfer dana secara elektronik, SCM (supply chain management), pemasaran elektronik (e-marketing), atau pemasaran online (online marketing), pemrosesan transaksi online (online transaction processing), pertukaran data elektronik (electronic data interchange /EDI), dll.
E-commerce merupakan bagian dari e-business, di mana cakupan e-business lebih luas, tidak hanya sekadar perniagaan tetapi mencakup juga pengkolaborasian mitra bisnis, pelayanan nasabah, lowongan pekerjaan dll. Selain teknologi jaringan www, e-commerce juga memerlukan teknologi basisdata atau pangkalan data (databases), surat elektronik (e-mail), dan bentuk teknologi non komputer yang lain seperti halnya sistem pengiriman barang, dan alat pembayaran untuk e-dagang ini.
buku, e-bisnis, e- commerce, online, panduan, sukses, etika , bisnis Electronic commerce (English: electronic commerce or e-commerce) is the deployment, purchasing, sales, marketing goods and services over electronic systems such as the Internet or television, www, or other computer networks. E-commerce can involve electronic funds transfer, electronic data interchange, automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.
Information technology industry saw e-commerce activities as the application and implementation of e-business (e-business) relating to commercial transactions, such as electronic funds transfer, SCM (supply chain management), electronic marketing (e-marketing), or online marketing (online marketing), online transaction processing (online transaction processing), electronic data interchange (electronic data interchange / EDI), etc.
E-commerce is part of e-business, in which the scope of e-business more broadly, not just commerce but includes also pengkolaborasian business partners, customer service, etc. jobs. In addition to network technology www, e-commerce also requires a database or database technology (databases), electronic mail (e-mail), and other forms of non-computer technology as well as delivery systems, and tools for e-commerce payment this.
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