About 任信云商
任信云商,是一款专业的移动金融助手,更是移动生活好帮手,一款服务大众的智能移动终端。全面集成了收款、理财、信贷、信用卡申请、充值缴费、征信查询、老赖查询、违章查询等贴心生活应用。助您实现“快捷收款、优越理财、轻松贷款、便捷缴费、随心查询”的综合需求。 Ren Xinyun business, is a professional mobile financial assistant, is a good helper mobile life, a public service of smart mobile devices. Fully integrated receivables, financial, credit, credit card applications, recharge payment, credit inquiries, old Lai inquiries, inquiries and other illegal intimate life applications. Help you achieve "quick payment, Prestige Banking, easy loans and easy payment, query heart," the comprehensive needs.