About Spelling & Vocabulary Test
Spelling & Vocabulary Test it is an easy to play game, that helps the player to learn the correct spelling of the words in a funny and a challenging way.
Spelling & Vocabulary Test
reveals the truth about your vocabulary and Spell skills and helps you improve. AppAdvice
is an app which will provide the reader with various innovative techniques to remember difficult English words. People who want to improve their English or the students who are preparing for exams like CAT ,MAT , GMAT , GRE , SAT , SSC, Bank PO, BBA, BBS, BCA, CET, GATE, IAS, IBPS, IELTS, IES, TOEFL, UPSC etc will find volt application extremely valuable because now they don't have to cram those words and will save excessive repetitive efforts required.
An addictive word learning app grammar... an approachable dictionary and quiz machine. —TIME
Vocabulary.com is a comprehensive program for lifelong learning of vocabulary, in which each activity is specially chosen for you.
Build your vocabulary & speling with Magoosh's free vocabulary ad spell game for your Android phone or tablet speedtest yourself every day to learn the 1200 most important words!
In this game a word will be shown at first, then the player should find it in a list of auto generated words as quickly as possible
it comes with 3 interessting and easy to costomize modes:
The Easy Mode : The player should find an easy word in a list of those only upper cases letters ( The list is easy to be customize and supported by any language you want) in 60 sec (can be changed), then after each level the time will be decreased by 1 sec (can be changed) until he reachs a minimuim value (that can be changed). In this mode the game will give the player five hints per game and 1 per level (can be changed) if he takes so much time to figure out the letter, and also 5 helps (can be changed) if he doesn’t complete the word. This level contains 3 rows and 3 columns.
The Medium Mode : The player should find a word in a list of those uppers and smalls cases letters in 50 sec that will be decreased after each level. In this mode the player has 3 hints per game and 3 helps.This level contains 3 rows and 3 columns.
The Hard Mode : The game in this mode became so challenging, it gives the player 40 sec that will be decreased by one sec after each level. 1 hint and 1 help per game and a list of words that contains uppers and smalls cases words and also numbers to make it more and more challenging.
each game mode has its own words list to give you an over game’s control.
by N####:
OK ,but not interesting,