Emoticonos - Nuevos Emoticones for Android
Lo mas sorprendente de "Emoticonos", es la velocidad de carga, el app esta optimizada para cargar bien rapido todos los emoticones y compartir, ha sido probado en conexiones lentas de 3G y corre de maravilla.
Por que deberíamos instalar "Emoticonos App"?:
Existen varias razones por la cual preferir "Emoticonos":
1- La aplicación es muy util, simple y fácil de usar
2- Tendremos acceso a miles de emoticones para whatsapp gratis, están ordenados por diversas categorías
3- Es muy facil de compartir, no te llevara 1 segundo
4- El app es gratuita
5- Tienes opción de agregar tus emoticones preferidos a tu colección personal de emoticones favoritos
Entre otras cosas podemos agregar que el app esta echa con mucho esfuerzo y dedicacion para el publico, para nosotros es mas que un placer poder aportar y ayudar a las personas a poder compartir nuevos y diferentes emoticones para whatsapp. Gracias por preferir "Emoticonos", por favor agradecemos si te tomas unos segundos para calificar nuestra aplicación y comentar tu opinión para ayudarnos a mejorar el app cada día.
Categorías que contiene nuestra app:
- Emoticones de Amor
- Emoticos Graciosos
- Emoticos Locos
- Emoticos Tristes
- Emoticos Durmiendo
- Emoticos de Navidad
- Emoticos de Animales
Espero que les guste la aplicación, recuerden dejar un comentario, opinión o recomendación, y ahora disfrute compartiendo miles de emoticones para whatsapp.
By installing this app, you can enjoy thousands of emoticons free to share your favorite social networks. Smileys is a very simple and easy to use app has excellent options for sharing your favorite emoticons in whatsapp, facebook, google hangouts, and other chats or social networks you use.The most surprising of "emoticons" is the loading speed, the app is optimized to load fast all well and share emoticons, has been tested on slow connections 3G and runs great.
Why should install "Smileys App":
There are several reasons why prefer "emoticons"
1- The application is very useful, simple and easy to use
2- We will have access to thousands of free emoticons for whatsapp, they are sorted by various categories
3- It is very easy to share, do not take one second
4- The app is free
5- You have option to add your favorite emoticons to your personal collection of bookmarks smilies
Among other things we can add that this app shows with hard work and dedication to the public, for us is more than a pleasure to contribute and help people to be able to share new and different emoticons for whatsapp. Thank you for choosing "emoticons", please appreciate if you take a moment to rate our application and review your feedback and help us improve the app every day.
Categories containing our app:
- Love emoticons
- Funny Emoticos
- Emoticos Locos
- Emoticos Tristes
- Sleeping Emoticos
- Christmas Emoticos
- Animal Emoticos
Hope you enjoy the application, remember to comment, opinion or recommendation, and now enjoy sharing thousands of emoticons for whatsapp.
I really loved it is very nice fast and beautiful just keep up the great work looking forward for better and please add numbers row
This app has a lot of great themes and I love the panda one. So cute
Its amazing. So easy to use an great fronts i love this app
I'm absolutely using it right now
Very useful and great basically but i prefer the normal emojis really
I like to use this apps,good!
Its useful, easy to use, and looks absolutely amazing
by Z####:
Very cute, and fun to use