About Reveo
Do you drive a rechargeable electric or hybrid vehicle, or plan to in the future? Then our REVEO infrastructure network is just what you need.
REVEO is a major public network for charging stations in France's Occitanie region. The network includes more than 900 charging stations available in both rural and urban areas!
On the initiative of nine energy associations (Ariège, Aude, Aveyron, Gard, Hérault, Lot, Lozère, Pyrénées-Orientales and Tarn) and two cities (Montpellier and Toulouse), this innovative and interoperable e-mobility service should offer users and tourists in the south of France an alternative fuel charging solution in 2017.
The REVEO application lets users easily charge their vehicle at any station available throughout the region—24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Funding is provided by the French government as part of the ADEME Investissements d’Avenir programme (PIA) and the departmental associations of Ariège, Aude, Aveyron, Gard, Hérault, Lot, Lozère, Pyrénées-Orientales, Tarn, the cities of Montpellier and Toulouse, as well as the departmental councils of Ariège and Pyrénées-Orientales.