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옛날 중국인들은 우리나라를 '예의 바른 민족의 나라'라고 부러워했어요. 그러나 요즈음 공공장소에 가면 부끄러울 정도예요. 우리부터 예절 지킴이가 되어야 해요.
4. 교통규칙 지키는 것은 생명 사랑이에요
이 세상에서 가장 소중한 것이 생명이에요. 교통규칙을 잘 지키는 것은 생명 사랑의 첫걸음이에요. '서자, 보자, 살피자, 건너자' 실천하고 또 실천해야 해요.
5. 바른 말 고운 말은 사람의 인격이에요
요즈음 거리를 걷다 보면 학생들 입에서 얼굴 빨개질 상스러운 말이 거침없이 나오고 있어요. 바른 말 고운 말은 바로 그 사람의 인격을 나타냄을 잊지 마세요.
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Tel : 02-2109-6262
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개발자 연락처 :
. Textbooks in social assimilation
Creating a society we dream
We are studying a textbook. Languages, mathematics, science, English and is studying various textbooks. The purpose of our study?
Right person, a great person, can be studied in order to create a beautiful community. Any person the right people and some great people person? They are learning the correct answer in a fairy tale.
Society, any society that we want to make?
Full of love, live together and needy society towards a better future hand in hand. All, however, is a textbook is the textbooks made to create a beautiful community, especially a prudent life, the right life, the guide of life, morality, and social studies textbooks.
Your children.
Shows any society is the society we dream textbooks in social assimilation yen.
The things we need to do is to create a society is weaved into a fun fairy tale never boring.
Etiquette to be observed in public places, and how we practice?
Are outspoken fine to say we really?
What we need to do in a multicultural society rapidly byeonhaegago?
Perhaps these questions will start puzzled.
But now such a trouble Stop learning fairy tale to solve such trouble.
You will know How beautiful we dream through the assimilation of the learning society. Perhaps when you became an adult society is dreaming dreams unfold. The chest beokchago heart beats stomp such a society will be.
Now, a great way to find and book into the world?
How to get along with society
1 I should love my body like family.
Society, such as families, villages, schools, soken's. The most important of these, it's a family. The family loved yiyamalro I'm the starting point for an excuse to create a beautiful community.
2 We're all living in a multicultural
Faster, come in a lot of foreigners in this country live. Such as skin color and culture but I'm Korean. I'm to live together and love each other.
3 'm Manners in public places must be followed.
The ancient Chinese did our country the envy of the nation 'polite' country. These days, however, go to a public place, the only thing to be ashamed of. From our manners have to be the keeper.
4 , Keeping traffic rules is a love of life.
It's the most precious thing in the world, life. I'm keeping the traffic rules is the first step in the life, love. 'Bastards, let cross a salpija, practice and practice again have to do.
5 Outspoken fine end of a person's personality.
As you walk the streets These days, students in the mouth is blushing vulgar words got out without hesitation. Fine words outspoken Do not forget that the person's personality.
EME life hyeongseol Jay Publishing e-book publishers hyeongseol the Network Life ebook EMJ HSPN hyeongseol publishing e-books published hyeongseol hyeongseol child
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Tel: 02-2109-6262
E-mail: emj@emj.co.kr