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Tel : 02-2109-6262
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개발자 연락처 :
. Textbooks in the natural environment fairy tales
Furious eyes, rain sswasswa, sunny capricious natural environment
Do you know that we live in any of the natural environment? Our natural environment, such as temperature, wind, clouds, rain, and snow, the weather, and I have a lot of influence. The weather is slightly different from region to region, Nago, no frills appear to be different for each country.
The Korea of them belong to the temperate climate.
I say the climate temperate spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons.
Shes changing the way our country because of global warming increasingly subtropical.
The subtropical ideas? Say the the subtropical middle of the temperate and tropical climate.
Several Dryer, one climate, subarctic climate, etc. In addition, the earth's climate.
Did we don cherry blossoms in the spring with a light coat to go this summer, dressed in a short sleeve dip. Winter when wearing a thick coat, gloves and scarves around until going the a finely stained maple caliber fall again when wearing a coat, on sled ride Stuff.
Our lives varies depending on the climate.
If so, How do people living in different climates life?
Their house is the same as our house? How different, if different, what's different?
What about clothing? What is the difference between food?
As you want for the hibernating animals such as bears, frogs, snakes, winter
Did people live up to its environment, and the impact on the natural environment.
This book is created and how the natural environment surrounding the earth in how people live it will show. Look entering into the Earth's ever-changing environment and the interesting story of the wise of us to live in!
How to make friends with the natural environment.
1 To get close to the sky and
Through the sky, we could see the weather. Cloud a lot jeokeunga. The cloud is a cloud dark clouds or feathers. The sun and the moon bright, eoduunga. Day by day, day by day look at.
2 To get close to the wind and
Every day the wind blows. Rustling, plenty of zing. The wind can move the air. , Depending on the season, friends and the wind, the wind blowing wind, I can see how it affects the season.
3 Write good weather when you write a diary.
I use it the weather when writing diary. What it was like the sky was like the wind, and the day's weather to do it. After writing one year, you could see what it was like during the year the weather and climate of our country.
4 Plants observed
And can not do in life, depending on the season we look As different plants depending on the season. How it affects the natural environment, plants, and look at the changes in the plant, it would be a good study of the natural environment.
5 Waste reduction
Our daily emissions of waste, not good for the natural environment. Therefore, reducing waste, I need a life. Eat food without leaving the separation of garbage I need it.
EME life hyeongseol Jay Publishing e-book publishers hyeongseol the Network Life ebook EMJ HSPN hyeongseol publishing e-books published hyeongseol hyeongseol child
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Tel: 02-2109-6262
E-mail: emj@emj.co.kr