Emis Penmad for Android
sangat membantu bagi para oprator emis madrasah untuk memonitoring validasi data setiap madrasah.
EMIS jawaban atas oleh kebutuhan data dan informasi tentang lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam dan lembaga-lembaga lainnya dibawah Ditjen Pendidikan Islam, yakni kebutuhan untuk data dukung di DPR-RI , Bappenas, Kementerian Keuangan, dan lembaga pemerintah lainnya yang berkaitan dan berkepentingan untuk pembangunan dan pengembangan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, terutama untuk memberikan gambaran lebih jelas, tepat dan akurat serta dapat meyakinkan anggota DPR, Bappenas dan Kementerian serta lembaga-lembaga Pemerintah lainnya agar dapat membantu dan mengupayakan pengembangan dan pembangunan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan Islam, hingga dapat benar-benar sejajar dengan pendidikan umum, yang lebih dulu mendapat dukungan dari pemerintah.
Is a bridge that connects the central data collection survey on Islamic Education (the door) that play a role in supporting the process of planning and policy-making Pendis program.very helpful for the carrier, the emission of the madrasah to monitor data validation every madrasah.
EMIS answer to the need for data and information about the educational institutions of Islamic and other institutions under the Directorate General of Islamic Educational, namely the need for supporting data in the Parliament, Bappenas, the Ministry of Finance and other government agencies related and interest for the development and the development of educational institutions of Islam in Indonesia, mainly to provide a clearer picture, precise and accurate and can assure members of the House of Representatives, Bappenas and the Ministry and agencies other Government in order to assist and pursue the development and construction of educational institutions of Islam, to be correctly aligned with general education, which first received support from the government.