(not) Smoking by jimys for Android
Switching between screens is possible by touch the buttons in main screen or by the menu (is showed after the tap on icon in the right top corner of application).
In screen "New Cigarette" is needed add every fumigated cigarette, the best choice is before fire up. In wean case and setting "Picture Time" in screen "Settings" firstly will be showen pictures and adding the cigarette will be possible after entered time. In ideal case user may change mind and cigarette don''t fire up.
In screen "List" are showed the list of particular fumigated cigarettes for last teen days and summary for all time of evidence. After tap to particular cigarette are showed details an user can edit data, after tap to summary will be switched to screen "Summary" and showed the summary for selected item.
In screen "Summary" are showen total fumigated cigarettes and total price. Must be recorder minimal two days. In the bottom part are showen data for actual year, eventually for the selected month or for whole year (month is selected to item "1-12").
In screen "Chart" is showed the chart with fumigated cigarettes for previous months or for last teen days.
In screen "Settings" is possible to set the parameters of application.
All rights reserved.
Contact: jimys@centrum.cz