About 전자파측정기 [ELF]
-스마트폰에 내장된 자기장 센서를 이용하여 자기장을 측정하는 앱입니다.
-자연상태의 자기장 (EMF) 수치는 약 49μT(490mG, 1μT=10mG) 입니다.
-주위에 금속이나 자성체가 있으면 수치가 올라가는 원리를 이용합니다.
-앱을 열고, 폰을 들고 여기저기를 다녀보세요. 자기장 수치가 바뀌는걸 보실수 있습니다.
-수맥 탐지용으로도 활용 가능하고,벽속의 전기선이나 땅속의 파이프를 찾는데 사용합니다.
-정확도는 내장센서의 성능에 달려있습니다.
-전자파를 발생하는 전자제품(TV,PC,전자레인지 등)에도 민감하게 반응합니다.
flow meter,
magnetic flow meter,
magnetic field,
gauss meter,
magnetic flowmeter,
rosemount magnetic flow meter,
magnetic flow meter principle,
magnetic field strength,
electromagnetic flow meter,
magnetic flow meter working principle,
magnetic susceptibility,
krohne magnetic flow meter,
turbine flow meter,
mastering physics,
electromagnetic radiation,
electromagnetic spectrum,
electromagnetic field meter,
electromagnetic waves,
electromagnetic flowmeter,
electromagnetic flow meter principle
개발자 연락처 :
01000000000 - The app uses the magnetic sensor built into the smartphone to measure the magnetic field.
- the natural magnetic fields (EMF) levels are about 49μT (490mG, 1μT = 10mG).
- If you use a magnetic material around the metal or the principle figures dating.
- Open the app, holding the phone's go here and there. You can see what a field value changes.
- Sumac can also be utilized for the detection, and used to find underground pipes or electrical wires of byeoksok.
Accuracy is dependent on the performance of the built-in sensor.
- The sensitive in electronics that generate electromagnetic waves (TV, PC, microwave ovens, etc.).
flow meter,
magnetic flow meter,
magnetic field,
gauss meter,
magnetic flowmeter,
rosemount magnetic flow meter,
magnetic flow meter principle,
magnetic field strength,
electromagnetic flow meter,
magnetic flow meter working principle,
magnetic susceptibility,
krohne magnetic flow meter,
turbine flow meter,
mastering physics,
electromagnetic radiation,
electromagnetic spectrum,
electromagnetic field meter,
electromagnetic waves,
electromagnetic flowmeter,
electromagnetic flow meter principle