Scan eFaktur NC for Android
Versi ini merupakan versi NON-CLOUD, semua data hasil scan di simpan didalam Handphone, dengan fitur mendekati versi cloud.
Fitur Aplikasi :
1. Scan langsung menggunakan Kamera Android Phones, tanpa Scanner Barcode Khusus
2. Auto Focus Camera
3. Dapat mengaktifkan Led Flash
4. Scan Barcode QR Faktur Pajak Masukan
5. Validasi status faktur
6. Validasi pencegahan lebih dari 1 kali scan untuk faktur yang sama
7. Validasi NPWP
8. Tidak ada batasan jumlah faktur yang dapat di scan (unlimited)
9. Multi NPWP perusahaan dalam 1 account
10. Data disimpan didalam Device (Mobile Phones)
11. Hasil export dapat langsung di email
Panduan Penggunaan Scan eFaktur Offline
Kami juga menyediakan versi cloud dengan penggunaan yang lebih fleksibel dan fitur lebih banyak.
Hubungi kami :
Tags: efaktur scan, scan efaktur, efaktur reader, e-faktur scan, scan e-faktur, e-faktur reader, efaktur non cloud
This version is a version NON-CLOUD, all data stored in the scan results Mobile, with features approaching the cloud version.
Application Features:
1. Scan directly using the Android Camera Phones, without Barcode Scanner Special
2. Auto Focus Camera
3. Can turn Led Flash
4. Scan the QR Barcode Input Tax Invoice
5. Validate invoice status
6. Validate the prevention of more than 1 time scan for the same invoice
7. Validation TIN
8. There is no limit to the number of invoices can be scanned (unlimited)
9. Multi TIN companies in one account
10. Data stored in Device (Mobile Phones)
11. Results can export directly in email
Offline Usage Guide Scan eFaktur
We also provide cloud version with the use of more flexible and more features.
Contact us :
Tags: efaktur scan, scan efaktur, efaktur reader, e-invoicing scan, scan e-invoicing, e-invoicing reader, efaktur non cloud