Marbel Mengaji Tajwid for Android
MARBEL MENGAJI TADJWID adalah aplikasi yang membantu kita untuk mempelajari cara membaca Al-Qur'an dengan baik dan benar.
Semua materi dirangkum dengan jelas, disertai dengan contoh bacaan, cara membaca dalam bahasa indonesia serta dilengkaspi dengan AUDIO yang sangat membantu dalam membedakan pengucapan.
Aplikasi ini cocok untuk segala usia. Baik bagi anak-anak yang baru memulai belajar, ataupun orang dewasa yang ingin memperbaiki ilmu tadjwidnya.
Semoga aplikasi ini berguna bagi kita semua. Jika ada kesalahan dalam materi yang disediakan, mohon untuk menginformasikannya kepada kami.
Tajwid according lughot (etymology) is brought or read well. Meanwhile, according to the terms (terminology) is the science by which we can know how to pronounce the letters of Al-Qur'an, either the thickness of thin, short length (mad-qosnya), its properties, as well as how to read well.Marbel TADJWID Koran is an application that helps us to learn how to read the Qur'an properly.
All materials are summarized clearly, along with examples of reading, how to read in Indonesian and dilengkaspi with AUDIO very helpful in distinguishing pronunciation.
This application is suitable for all ages. Good for kids who are just starting to learn, or adults who want to improve science tadjwidnya.
Hopefully this application is useful for all of us. If there is an error in the materials provided, please inform us.
It's really helpful , thanks to this app I can learn a lot about tajweed. Most importantly, I can understand the contents easily. Hope the new version will be better one....
Mudah2an dipermudah Allah dalam meng-update aplikasi ini. Amiinn
Semoga contoh2nya semakin bnyk..tingkatin terus ya..good work
Sangat bermanfaat dan improvements terus.
Im very like it. Bcs Very important with me
menambah subur lagi keelokan al quran
Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita bisa membaca Qur'an dengan benar
Good. Di tunggu update lengkapnya..
sangat membantu dalam mempelajari tadwij
Terbaik..jelas..dan mudah difahami
Sangat membantu cuma sama dgñ testi yg lain diperbanyak contoh audionya
Work and usefull app.thanks a lot
Bacaan ikfa'nya kok beda? Ikfa' ausath???
Aplikasinya bagus banget, tp d bagian mim sukun, ikhfa syafawi contoh audionya beda sama teks arabnya, mudah2n cepat diperbaiki :-)
Alhamdulillah ada app tajwid yg tidak hanya memberi contoh tulisan tapi juga contoh bacaan (audio), sangat membantu... perbanyak contoh lebih baik, tolong audio contoh disediakan semua. Tks
I will give 5 if you can add more audio, ,overall its very help
You should give other languages after all, muslims can know any language right? And the adverts. They have inappropriate things on them and they jeep on popping up! Overall I hope you improve this app jazakallah khair. I greet all of my sisters and brothers that are muslim with the islamic greeting, SCW.
Semoga contoh2nya semakin bnyk..tingkatin terus ya..good work
Jika bole,lebih kan lagi contoh2 nya.
Sangat membantu untuk belajar anak
Thanks a lot for create this application, it's very helpfull in teaching my child. Semoga Allah senantiasa merahamti kita semua. Aamiin
Good enough, but please update more audio n give some task
Nunggu upgrade nya..
Belajar tajwid jadi mudah bisa dimana2 tanpa bawa buku, cukup hp aja :D Tapi sayang audionya kurang jelas, ada yg salah (lam baca jd laq, din jd diq) & ada yg belum tersedia Overall WELL DONE & thanks for free app
Sangat membantu untuk anak belajar mengaji
Ya bagus lah.. :) (y)
Khairun naas ma anfa ukum linnaas
Belajar jadi lebih mudah. Dimana n kapan saja.. tanpa perlu buku.
Thanks Marbel..I like it
I love qur'an
Hebat. Mudah dan padat.
Ikhfa' syafawi contoh is wrong ayah recited
bagus tapi sepertinya yang bagian contoh ikhfa syafawi nya perlu diperbaiki, tulisan dan audio beda, mohondi cek
That's great application for islamic education. Get better with more fixing & improving... Thanks a lot. Wassalamualaikum wr wb
This great
Very good job !
Very useful and easy to use application especially for kids who want to learn tajwid for first time.. May Allah bless this app creator .. Barakallah
You should give other languages after all, muslims can know any language right? And the adverts. They have inappropriate things on them and they jeep on popping up! Overall I hope you improve this app jazakallah khair. I greet all of my sisters and brothers that are muslim with the islamic greeting, SCW.
by R####:
I have dissapointed for mim sukun because that audio cant play good . and please update the apps as fast as good.