Bioloja for Android
Existem muitas e boas razões para consumir produtos biológicos. De entre elas, destacamos as razões relacionadas com a saúde, o ambiente e o incentivo à produção nacional de qualidade.
O restaurante da Bioloja tem diariamente à disposição uma ementa variada, com preços que variam entre os 5,50 e os 9 Euros. Para acompanhar, há sumos naturais de fruta e legumes, preparados na hora.
Our supermarket brings together a wide range of products obtained in organic production certified: vegetables, fruits, groceries, meat, bread, drinks and now also packed fresh fish.There are many good reasons to consume organic products. Among them, we highlight the reasons related to health, the environment and encouraging domestic production quality.
The restaurant Bioloja has daily access to a varied menu, with prices ranging between 5.50 and 9 Euros. To follow, there are natural juices of fruit and vegetables, cooked to order.