Al Quran (Al-Zikar Malay) for Android
Alhamdulillah...nice aplication for muslim...but please remove all women's body adds...
Must install
Alhmdllh sgt bagus cuma ada kesilapan nombor ayat dlm arab. Tbalik. No 12 jd 21, 13 jd 31 dan sterusnya. Ini yg sy perasan la. Maaf kalau tsalah :) overall tbaik! Satu femili sy installkan app ni. Tkasih semoga Allah merahmati ^_^
Recomended...and do some improvements pls.
Not compatible with ICS
Bookmark something wrong..
Not compatible with Nexus 5 running on Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Please fix it ASAP
Jazakallah Khairan Khatsira to the creator of this apps. The UI is simple and readable. . Hope it has the ability to save the bookmark in cloud as many time when my phone has problem and need to factory reset I lost all the bookmarks too.
Bisakah saya muat turun apk nya di internet?
Please fix the problem
Saya suka baca al quran
There advertise using photo women body that appear when u open alquran . Fix it fast
Thank you program know that I can practice my prayers ahumddullah
Syukur dan terima kasih atas usaha anda...
No ayat dalam tulisan arab adalah terbalik kedudukan digitnya. Contohnya, ayat 91, tetapi yg tertulis dalam tulisan arab telah terbalik menjadi 19. Tlg betulkan.
Awesome apps.
User friendly
Helps me alot ♥
Terima kaseh
1) ayat yg berada disebelah kanan tidak nmpk. 2) ada surah yg tidak lngkp 3) sukar membaca tulisannya. Terima kasih kpd pihak pmbina kerana sedikit sbyk mmbntu sya dlm mengenali mkna2 ayt.moga apa yg dibuat mendapat berkat.
Jazakallah Khairan Khatsira to the creator of this apps. The UI is simple and readable. . Hope it has the ability to save the bookmark in cloud as many time when my phone has problem and need to factory reset I lost all the bookmarks too.
Thank you so much
akhirnya ade juga al quran diterjemah dlm bhasa mlayu.... amin.
I am having problem with bookmark... once i bookmarked my surah... when i came back later to continue my reading.. the bookmark for that surah was missing... happened few times... pls fix... actually this app is very good bcoz hv Malay translation... help me understand the meaning of each surah... Syukran...
Mudah2an kamu mendpt ganjaran pahala setimpal dengan apa yg kmu usahakan.
Perisian yang bagus dan boleh mengetahui makna al Quran dalam hanya beberapa saat. Semoga Allah membalas jasa kalian
But i think there's wrong in writing arab's number..i hope you can recheck it.
by I####:
Helpfull but now jammed and can't retrieve the previous version that l've lost the reading marked point