skyHK Weather for Android
Can't load any data when opening the app, but no problem in widget.
簡潔,精美!比天文台個 app靚太多了!! 可惜我開咗自動定位之後,我個 Google map app就一直响背景運行,直至轉返手動定位先識停,煩請跟進;-)
Very user-friendly. Widgets are also nicely done. Definitely deserves five stars!
通知列白底白字的問題 Please fix it, thanks!
Nice book
Great app but the weather card in the notification area is completely white and unreadable. It would be great to have that fixed.
It kept crashing yesterday. I reinstall it just now, and turn the phone into airplane mode and uncheck the option to use skyHK server for weather update. Then, after leaving the airplane mode, the app works normally now.
app通widget都update唔倒,keep loafing
BTW有冇feel like temperature?
不妨顯示埋uv index
It would be perfect if more imaging like satellite and typhoon, esp in summer
Android 5.0 白底白字睇唔到
八號已下波,三號現在, 但notification仲係顯示八號波 …
Good app and clean design finally! Will you guys include storm track, rain forcast and other stuff from HKO in the future?
較咗天氣警告要取消咗先可以徹走notification bar嘅icon, 結果一號風球同三號風球嘅icon同時出現XDD 另外d 警告icon亦唔識得自動喺取消咗後自動徹離notification bar. 要手動徹離,有d失色 oneplus one cm11s rom
Very user-friendly. Widgets are also nicely done. Definitely deserves five stars!
簡潔 但notification bar 既天氣警告唔係好準 依排成日黃雨紅雨 一時掛左紅雨 黃雨個警告仲係到, 兩個警告一齊出現 一時明明升左紅雨成粒鐘都仲係寫黃雨 到乜都落晒果時, 就全部都唔識消失... 就算開app睇都唔更新番 不過in app既警告冇問題
Click 時鐘,佢叫我揀app.. 但個list唔齊。 佢有時鐘,有chrome,有hangouts,但無我想開嘅 timely.
簡潔,精美!比天文台個 app靚太多了!! 可惜我開咗自動定位之後,我個 Google map app就一直响背景運行,直至轉返手動定位先識停,煩請跟進;-)
Great apps, much cleaner and looks much better than the official Hong Kong Observatory apps.
啲warnings可唔可以整specific icon show喺notification bar度
不過巴打nexus 5 4.4.2 ART mode冇自動彈天氣警報 notification出黎
簡約設計唔錯 但用落唔順手 每次睇另一個資訊要click menu制 如果可以左右拉作代替會更好
簡潔 但notification bar 既天氣警告唔係好準 依排成日黃雨紅雨 一時掛左紅雨 黃雨個警告仲係到, 兩個警告一齊出現 一時明明升左紅雨成粒鐘都仲係寫黃雨 到乜都落晒果時, 就全部都唔識消失... 就算開app睇都唔更新番 不過in app既警告冇問題
I set the app as Trad Chi but always jump back to system language (English) after some time of use. Otherwise a 5 star app.
全透明4*2 時鐘小工具經常變成半透明(當沒有更新天氣資料時),希望可以修復
若能把warning icon都加到widget裏直接show出來… 及在程式裏添加warning icon的說明就更好了(因多於一個icon時title會不見了)…
If the system is using english language and I select chinese in skyhk weather, after reboot or after some time skyhk weather will display the english interface again, but the selected language still show chinese. And it is good if we can define the action when click on the widget. When can the language problem be fixed?
It would be perfect if more imaging like satellite and typhoon, esp in summer
Elegant UI design and easy to use.
If the system is using english language and I select chinese in skyhk weather, after reboot or after some time skyhk weather will display the english interface again, but the selected language still show chinese. And it is good if we can define the action when click on the widget.
by Y####:
Great app but the weather card in the notification area is completely white and unreadable. It would be great to have that fixed.