About Easy Drawing Human Bodies
In drawing the human figure, is used to measure the head module and can be divided into 8 equal parts, ie, the head establishes a relationship of proportion to the trunk and legs, so the concept of ratio is the optimal balance between size of the parts that compose a whole.
It is not enough to share, to draw a human body with realism, symmetry is also of fundamental importance for the design of the human body has a semblance between the right and left sides.
In general, the human body does not hold exactly the same measures on one side and the other, there are small differences, often imperceptible when you look at, but noticeable when measuring.
In the drawing, the axis of symmetry is represented by a vertical line from head, through his nose and into the space between the legs,
Volumes and concavities: Refers to body shapes, their curves, recesses and reliefs. In the drawing, are the sinuous lines that represent it.
With open arms, the distance between the tip of the index fingers is equal to total height of the figure, from toe to top of head.
You can start your first drafts of the human body by following these steps illustrated in the figure below, not forgetting to start with the proportion using the module as its head for measurement.
The body in motion
Based on previous figures showing how to draw a human body with the correct proportions and symmetry in their upright position, the same would happen to draw the human body or elsewhere giving the idea of movement such as running, jumping, dancing