Рукоделие for Android
Как часто мы восхищаемся красивыми картинами, изящными украшениями, элегантными вещицами и печально говорим: "Жаль я так не умею!" Мастер-классы от Мастеров Рукоделия дают Вам возможность сделать прекрасное самостоятельно, своими руками. Также в приложение есть: Вязание, дизайн интерьера, вышивка и плетение.
Crafts in our time - definitely the most popular handmade hobby in the world. Sense of beauty inherent in man initially, but people just inherent and self-improvement, the pursuit of set goals and achieve them. Crafts with their hands gives us the opportunity to combine these two factors together.How often we admire beautiful paintings, fine jewelry, elegant favors and sad to say: "Sorry, I do not know how!" Master classes from handicraft masters give you the opportunity to perfect their own, with their own hands. Also in the application is: Knitting, interior design, embroidery and weaving.