About AT4PM
Enostavno in hitro do vasega najljubšega salona. Delite vašo lokacijo s to enostavno aplikacijo in pomagala vam bo najti najbližji salon, kjer trenutno ste. Pobrskajte po njihovi fotogaleriji in storitvah, preverite, kdaj so odprti in če ponujajo kakšno ugodnost v naslednjih dneh. Rezervirajte termin obiska in prepustite močnemu zaledju, da vas obvesti, opomni in morebiti povprača kaj.
Aplikacija at4pm, ko zaključite z delom in se pripravljate na večerni dogodek.
Vse je na dosegu vaših prstov, jasna struktura strani in logično zaporedje. Vas zanima samo določena blagovna znamka? Dva dotika in izberete le še salon.
Kontekstni iskalec, s katerim kar najhitreje najdete željen salon, fotografijo, ki vas zanima.
Ne veste, kaj bi? Ste videli, kaj znajo? Imajo razgled iz salona? Fotogalerija salonov je urejena po ključnih besedah, storitvah in blagovnih znamkah. Easy and fast to your favorite salon. Share your location easily with this app and help you find the nearest salon where you currently are. Browse the photo gallery and their services, see when they are open and if they offer some benefit in the coming days. Book your appointment and let the strong hinterland to notify you, and perhaps remind povprača anything.
Application at4pm when you are done with work and preparing for an evening event.
Easy navigation
Everything is at your fingertips, clear page structure and logical sequence. Are you interested in only a particular brand? Two touch and select only salon.
Context seeker, which as soon as possible find the desired salon, a photo that interests you.
You do not know what would? Did you see what they can do? They have a view from the salon? Photo Gallery lounge is governed by keyword, services and brands.