About DS Privacy Safebox
(More functions will be added in future version. Please rate it kindly on market. Thanks!:)
This is an app which can help you to keep privacy information. It has:
Keep privacy
No AD, no third-party plugin, no root permission required, even no internet access permission! It is IMPOSSIBLE to send any data out by this app! :)
Security Login
Use password login or pattern login, no register required.
First time user need create a new digital number password (by entering numbers of "0"~"9" and press "#" to confirm for twice). Password login uses 6~32 digital numbers with random position.
After login, user can create login pattern in "Settings->Login Option->Create Pattern". And pattern login uses 16 points or 9 points pattern (support reuse point for pattern, e.g. points 1->2->1->2->1->2 is a valid pattern).
Full data encryption (AES strength)
All data you enter will be encrypted before save! It is tough task to decrypt the data even your data is exposed by some reason.
Text Note
User can save privacy note with this app, do not afraid of be watched by "CLOUD", swpie to mark it as finished or not, set diff importance level, sort note with diff ways, also can share to others...
Checklist is a collection of note, can be easily used for check check item of same job (e.g. travel requirement). All check item is same function as text note.
Picture Note
Pick a picture from album or take photo from camera, the app will encrypt it and save. After that user can view/browse pictures inside the app without decrypt data to external file! Of course, user can send picture to others with share function. :)
Secure Documents
User can encrypt any file selected from sd card, delete encrypted file, or export & decrypt file to selected folder;
Password Bank
Nowadays, we have too many accounts/passwords to remember. Same passwords are dangerous, diff passwords are difficult to remember, so you can save them in security password bank (SPB)! It also suuport add multi account to same site easily.
Sync Encrypted Data
User can sync encrypted data with "Droidsail DataSync" between local device (phone/table) and selected web drive (Dropbox, Google Drive, , MS SkyDriver). Data are keep encrypted on web drive which is safe for user data (no privacy risk even for sync)!:-)
Optimized UI for pad
Auto detect screen size and fit it, especially for pad.
Very small package size
The unit is KBytes! Most similar app takes x MBytes!
by M####:
Worst safe ever! I set my password based on a pattern on the keyboard and the next time I used it I was locked out because the numbers change order every time you login. Glad I hadn't started using it yet.