Anonymaz - Stranger Chat for Android
Can you please erase that recaptcha please
Turd sandwich
Nothing but Captcha this is why you suck. Change it.
Nothing but bots. Literally
Good app for omegle
Let's you filter out spam and people who just post stuff like "asl". Their is one problem that gets on my nerves tho. When you have the chat disconnect because the othe party was inactive for a certain amount of time the app does not use the auto start function
While in the Spy Question mode. May you add a different shade of color for either of the stranger's text box? Its a bit confusing for me while I see them chat.
Ads everywhere. And I realize that the ads are coming from omegle but you say you have a "spam filter" but it only has 25 slots and isn't that intuitive. Just make the spam filter work so it sees a word or words and filters based on that. Don't make it need to be the exact sentence because spammers constantly change there sentences or have multiple different sentences pre-written.
Hey, great app! But for me it needs one more feature. After a timeout, it doesn't reconnect automatically and it would be better if it did. Or if we were given then option for it to in the settings. As when using it as a 'spreader bot' I have to constantly be checking on it.
Been using it for two days and I already have a problem. The "Recaptcha" thing. I did what it told me to get rid of it but it doesn't seem to work. Hope you guys can fix this.
Most of the people who have posted reviews complaining about bots dont realise that Omegle itself has all those bots. Its not like its the app creator's fault or like he/she can do anything about it. The purpose of this app is to help you filter out spam, not get rid of it. Also before you complain about your interest not working test it on the browser version first. Anyway well done to the dev. This is is the best app of its type.
U need to find out if they are people at least
Its cool, but I can't use spy question mode anymore. I downloaded this app and took a little time to get a feel of it. In the beginning everything function properly, then at a random ass time it stopped connecting to the server for spy question mode. All it says is connecting. I was gonna give 5 stars but then that happened. I'm on a LG K10, if you could get a fix out for it that would be great.
I haven't met a real account on this app, not even once. Its all fake accounts so don't waste Ur time downloading this krap
I've been there for more than half an hour and I didn't find a single person, stupid bots and stupid app
I use this to advertise for a Kik group of mine, and the spam filter being taken out was a huge problem for me.
It's nice to meet people you share interest with . The app is working great , I can hear the struggles of the developer(s) to keep the app a good on . You deserve five stars , mate .
I have connect with strangers with same interests on but it keeps saying they couldn't find anyone then it doesn't show a text box
Hey, female, 27 yrs old.. and then they send kik or shortcut links to some virus. No button for report or something.
This app is amazing. It utilizes almost all text functions of omegle, along with many more functions that require the app. It's with the try, and I always keep it on my phone.
I've submitted (several) complaints in the past and I'm sure the developers are thinking, OMG, what now? every time I update this, but this is a fantastic app. The Anonymaz team is very fast with resolving issues and are always courteous. The only thing I've noticed is what others as well as myself have brought up, it doesn't auto reconnect. If the Anonymaz team can fix that, awesome. If not, this is still an excellent app. Keep up your excellent work guys
Great app, but I ran into two problems. The timer for no response is wildly inaccurate, and it doesn't auto reconnect when it expires. Outside of these two issues, I can't say I've experienced anything bad.
I keep getting a thing that says that Omegle servers is overloaded or may be down. And this has occured for a while. Keep trying to connect but same thing happens, even though the servers are up.
If the creators could get rid of the bots this would single handedly be the best random chat app on the market
Can't connect past few days. Keep saying Omegle servers are down. Please fix.
It suddenly stopped working. Now nothing works.
Its ALL sex and bots and scams.
have been using this since the start and when it was launched,eagerly wait for its update hope the developers focus on the app seo part more
Stopped working, fix plz lol... What died?
Please add sex and choose searching for boy or girl Please update this application Messenger is not working
I love it, but I'm not sure how to use the Greater than function, I'm just not sure how it works.
It keeps telling me that it couldn't find any strangers with similar interests, even though I have the feature turned on and I have probably three dozen interests listed. This just recently started happening within the past couple days.
One thing i want to complaint is when the emoticon box slide up, theres no button to make it slide down again
Its the best omegle client. The only problem is it doesnt support multi window mode on Nougat. Everything else is great!
Fakes nice joke!!!! Bots!!! Nice lie nice way to fool some one!!! U need to to find out if they are people come on this just a joke -.-
This app is shift every one is fake I'd give it negative stars if possible ,,, do not rec amend
Too many bots!! Waste of time
Just spammed with fake messages
by K####:
It's gay