Daily Racing Form for Android
Won't let me log into my account
Takes forever to upload. Uninstalling.
Great app won't let you log in to your account.
Since it's free it is okay, but I would like to know why the app and the website when you are looking at the entries after a few seconds the number one horse goes away and you have to start over, hit the menu dropdown and select entries agai ,i have tried different phones, different browsers, all drop the number one horse
needs work!
Racing news
The live news section hasn't been updated in days, and that's with the recent update to the app a few days ago. Cmon. Also, it would be nice to see pedigrees on the race entries/results
Daily Racing Form
Good, very good
Never wants to show results
Love the app, except...I can't read news easily. There should be a news tab in the menu. Currently, if there "happens" to be news on the "entries" tab for the track & race I'm looking at, I have to click on the story, and click "read more" to get images and get rid of the extra non-sensical text like "click here" that renders and makes no sense, but then it's just a browser view anyway. So Im better off using a browser for news. Formulator on android would be sick if implemeted.
Seems to be very buggy lately. Fails to load often among other issues that could make the app more efficient overall. Still useful but would be nice if it was updated properly.
Evidently, because hitting the read more link does nothing on a Galaxy tab
Useless to a visitor to U.S. hoping to go racing, cannot register without a ZIP code.
Aa @ Jamaican its hard to access all that it offers this is an American racing app.
Galaxy S6...Shows app loading but never actually loads
Get it now on kindle xxx
For UK.
money maker
Make me money $$$$$
Love the info
Had this app for a few months and I loved it. Then today I opened the app and was not able to scroll down at all. Don't know what happened but please fix!
It gives basic info such as the list of horses in a race then the results. But if you want more you need a DRF+ account which costs money. The free DRF account doesn't work...I know because I tried mine.
Not much use to overseas users as unable to register with drf: i.e. zip code is mandatory.
I wish there was a betting section. The website stinks and logs me out all the time on my cell. So annoying. Make a DRF bets App!
Can't scroll, can't login, can't do anything with this other than uninstall
I can't scroll down on any screen. Totally worthless since I can't get to the tracks and races I'm interested in.
Had this app for months and liked it then end of may 2015 it began malfunctioning. Won't scroll and can't access tracks that I need. It's been 2 weeks and not a peep from the developer. Try something else.
Had this app for a few months and I loved it. Then today I opened the app and was not able to scroll down at all. Don't know what happened but please fix!
App worked until yesterday. Can't scroll thru screens.
Had on here for months now can't scroll down have to uninstall
Doesn't scroll past top 3 lines. This is a service I pay for, too. Equibase works fine and is free. Download that one.
Does not work. Impossible to navigate. Needs lots and lots of work.
by P####:
It won't allow me to login to my account. I repeatedly get a message that user name and password are incorrect. Frustrating!