DioDict 4 ENG-KOR Dictionary for Android
Solved problem of missing entries. Need to update 'Diodict4 Main' app in playstore as well as 'Diodict 4 ENG-KOR'. App is worth 5 stars itself but poor feedback from developers regarding above problem loses stars.
Meanings and examples don't show up. And get rid of it constantly running in the background. Not sure what I paid for but it certainly has been utterly useless for a while now.
I can't get any meanings or examples to show up. The database seems to have gone missing.
업데이트 시 오류가나서 어플이 꺼집니다. 사용중에 화면이 이제뜨질 않습니다.. 계속해서 매일 사용하는 어플인데 피드백에 글올리다 여기에도 남기네요. 지금 사용중이였는데 언제쯤 복구되나요? ㅠ.ㅠ
Yessss Best dictionary I've found! However, please make 국립국어원 표준국어대서 available for DioDict 4 too! I would like to have both these dictionaries on the same app. Thanks!
사용한지 1년이 넘었는데 지난주부터 app이 단어의 예문을 볼 수가 없습니다. 데이터 베이스가 사라진거 같은데요. 여러번 앱을 지우고 다시설치해도 문제가 사라지지 않습니다. 현재 app의 호환성의 문제가 발생된간가요? 저는 안드로이드 유저이고 최근에 전화기를 바꾸거나 소프트웨어를 업그레이드 한 적이 없습니다.
Hi please update the app as soon as possible. All the meanings and examples are gone!
Db 파일 다운로드가 안됩니다. O아무리해도 안됩니다. 다른 방법을 가르쳐 주세요. 다 삭제하고 와이파이로 시도해도 안돼요. 다른 프로그램들을 다운 받는데는 문제 없는데.
Hello i need help, i cannot open it anymore sibce several months now. I ve purchased it. I tried delete and redownload again but still doesnt open.
I have thousands of words saved in my Diodict 3 database, but I can't import it to Diodict 4. what a waste of money
After upgraded adroid, i cant use
I used to be able to search across different diodict dictionaries. However only Diodict 4 english has upgraded while the Chinese and Korean version has yet to do so. As such that search function is no longer available. I m also unable to downgrade the software to take advantage of that function.
디오딕 만토우랑 이거랑 같이 다운 받아서 쓸려고 했더니 매번 앱 실행시킬때마다 다운을 받아야 하는건 뭐져?? 일단 리펀드처리 했는데 제대로 된 설명 좀 해주시거나 어떻게 해주셨음 좋겠는데요.
오늘 업데이트 후 앱이 충돌이 일어납니다. 빠른 업데이트 부탁드립니다.
Buy the diodict 3 version. It's easier to use.
정말 잘 쓰고있어요^^그런데 사전쓸때 사전내용이나 단어에다가 형관펜을 쓸수있으면 좋겠어요.좋은하루 보내시구 답변 가능하다면 부탁드립니다.
After upgraded adroid, i cant use
I should start by saying that this dictionary is very good. In fact, it's the best that I know of and comes pre-installed on most Korean phones. It does however have some problems that I guess are related to the recent upgrade from v3 to v4. The biggest problem for me is not being able to select text within the dictionary. Missing Korean TTS is also a big problem. I also wish words would include more examples like on Naver. Seeing the splash screen ever time I go back to it is also a bit disappointing.
Why does it keep downloading data everytime I open the app. It's a bug that slows the app down from running also will not work without a data connection fix for more stars
Now needs Phone access permission. Needs to read phone status and identity. Why does a dictionary app need this? Why does a company need to spy?
아무리해도 안됩니다. 다른 방법을 가르쳐 주세요. 다 삭제하고 와이파이로 시도해도 안돼요. 다른 프로그램들을 다운 받는데는 문제 없는데.
I am using Android OS and Huawei phone gr3. It starts but immediately it is quited itself when doing searching word. Please provide solution.
Why does a dictionary need phone identity?
I don't really care for having to enable 3rd party apps.
I use this app daily in my korean studies. features are wonderful, and coverage of korean words are comprehensive. ** only problem is the lack of indication of active/passive피동/causative사동 indicator for korean words** , which is very important in korean grammar, hope developers can add this..
like/use it a lot
다 좋습니다. 그런데 왜 앱이 두개가 실행되는지 모르겠네요. 멀티태스킹에서 앱 고를때 헷갈립니다. 수정안되나요?
the interface for diodict 4 has been simplified with a single search bar, but personally the diodict 3 layout was SO much better (and easier for learning Korean). other negatives: slow splash screen every time you start the app, no Korean pronunciation, no flashcards like version 3 had
The library is lacking some very common words; tried searching 속상하다, and nothing came up. Naver dictionary is free and offers more extensive vocabulary regardless of needing Internet access. I haven't used very long yet, so i am not sure how many words are not available. Please update the vocabulary content.
it s well done . But more thoughts for Korean learners please. the same way for Korean to English and the same good colour as the version 3 will enhance the overall app experience. the yellow everywhere doesnt t help much. Thank you.
업데이트 뒤로 안열리고 저절로 꺼지네요 galaxy 5
오늘 업데이트 후 앱이 충돌이 일어납니다. 빠른 업데이트 부탁드립니다.
업데이트 이 후에 계속 작동 오류여서 다시 지우고 재설치 했는데도 똑같은 오류가 발생 하네요
디오딕 만토우랑 이거랑 같이 다운 받아서 쓸려고 했더니 매번 앱 실행시킬때마다 다운을 받아야 하는건 뭐져?? 일단 리펀드처리 했는데 제대로 된 설명 좀 해주시거나 어떻게 해주셨음 좋겠는데요.
다른 사전앱에 비해 첫 로딩이 너무 느립니다. 빨리 찾으려고 폰으로 사전쓰는건데 로딩이 한참 걸림. 솔직히 디오딕에 들어간 뉴에이스 사전아니면 구매하지 않았을겁니다. 디오딕3는 안그랬던거 같은데 많이 느리네요.
Your dictionary is very useful for me. It's help me a lot. But I'm intend to root my phone. But your apps just made me a worry. Couse if I'll do that I'll lost my history and' flashcard in my Diodict app. I want to backup that user files include my history outside of my sdcard. Will you help me guys. It'll be a great favor for me.
Tips for lollipop: uninstall both diodict apps (yes, there are two installed) using the Settings and then reinstall. Things will go back to normal... Most complete dictionary so far - not an easy task for Korean dictionaries, which tend to be quite lacking, even in print. I use it almost every day!
Buy the diodict 3 version. It's easier to use.
by W####:
Suddenly it stopped showing meanings and examples at all. I have sent feedback to them but seemingly they didn't understand the issue.. poorly. I'll wait for the next update and see if it's worth keeping