About Pupcare: Pet Care & Pet Lovers
Pupcare offers a simple yet most practical pet app that will help pet owners to organize their pet's life. It helps you to look after your own pet by listing various pet service providers like pet vet doctor, pet training, pet breeding, pet cake shops, pet stores, pet food stores near you and connect with fellow pet dog / pet cat within your city. Also maintain digital pet health records, plan and manage your pets diet and exercise program!
-Pet Health Record
Maintain a digital health record of your pet with ease.
The health record is well integrated with the reminder system through push notifications.
Add pictures and additional notes for other pet concerns such as vaccination, Dewormer, Surgery, Allergy, Prescriptions and get periodic reminders for each.
Share your pets medical history with your vet.
-Appointment Scheduling
Schedule appointments with your vets and other service providers by just a click. You can confirm or cancel appointment at any time and keep track of all the appointments scheduled. Browse through your Service Providers profile at any time.
Schedule reminders for events related to your pet such as vaccinations, Dewormers, Grooming, Bathing, Feeding, walking and visit your vet again.
-Pet Service Finders
Locate all the pet care service providers near you by just a click through geo-tagging.
Track down pet shops, vets, groomers, kennels, hostels, pet bakeries, pet trainers and pet restaurants within 5km from you and call them with just a touch.
-Walk your dog
Track and manage your pets daily walk schedule and help your pet on shredding those extra kilos.
We position ourselves as a caring partner for every pet owner by providing one-stop solutions for pet related affairs to help grow a pet with ease. This is a perfect pet app for pet dog and pet cat owners that helps to tidy up the clutter and keep their health record in schedule.
by R####:
The best app for the pet lovers in all the aspects like petcare, pupcare, petvet, pet animal care, pet breeds, pet dog, pet training, dog walk, pet food