About Client Fiber TAXI Buzau
Compania de dispecerizare taximetrie FIBER TAXI din Buzau a fost infiintata in acest an, iar in prezent este in curs de creare a propriei baze de clienti, atat persoane fizice cat si juridice.
Desi este o campanie foarte tanara, datorita personalului experimentat cooptat , FIBER TAXI isi propune ridicarea calitatii serviciilor de taximetrie la standardele Milenului III si crearea unei noi perspective a clientilor asupra modului cum aceste servcii de taximetrie ar trebui desfasurate. In FIBER TAXI cele mai noi tehnologii sunt la ele acasa , contribuind astfel la eficientizarea serviciilor de dispecerat.
Unul din concepetele fundamentale ale FIBER TAXI - "Around the Clock, Around the Customer" va asigura de faptul ca serviciile noastre va vor acoperi 24/7 nevoile Dvs. de transport, acoperind in totalitate Municipiul Buzau si zonele limitrofe acestuia. Comenzile se pot face NON-STOP, iar centrala noastra nu suna niciodata ocupat.
Un alt concept fundamental al FIBER TAXI - "Client Intimacy", necesita anticiparea cerintelor clientilor nostri, fapt pentru care compania noastra este in proces de crestere a portofoliului de servicii oferite.
Soferii nostri, atent selectionati lucreaza dupa norme stricte de calitate a serviciilor si de comportament, fiecare sofer fiind atestat, corect si manierat in conformitate cu un cod de conduita foarte strict.
Conceptul de "Continous Customer Feedback" implemetat de FIBER TAXI, va asigura ca feedback-urile de orice natura (reclamatii, multumiri, sugestii, recomadari) sunt valoroase pt. activitatea noastra si ca ele reprezinta unul din motoarele principale ce asigura imbunatatirea serviciilor si implicit dezvoltarea companiei.
Deviza noastra: MAI IUTE CA LUMINA FIBER TAXI taxi company dispatcher in Buzau was founded this year and currently is in the process of establishing their base of clients, both individuals and companies.
Although a very young campaign due recruited experienced staff, TAXI FIBER proposes raising the quality of taxi services Milena III standards and create a new customer perspectives on how these should be carried Taxi Service. In FIBER TAXI latest technologies are at home, contributing to a more efficient dispatching services.
One of the fundamental FIBER concepetele TAXI - "Around the Clock, Around the Customer" will ensure that our services will cover your transportation needs 24/7, covering completely Buzau city and surrounding areas. Orders can be made non-stop and the panel never calls us busy.
Another fundamental concept of FIBER TAXI - "Customer Intimacy", anticipating our customers needs, for which our company is in the process of increasing the portfolio of services offered.
Our drivers, working carefully selected after strict service quality and behavior, each driver being certified, fair and gentlemanly according to a very strict code of conduct.
The concept of "Continuous Customer Feedback" FIBER been implemented by TAXI, will ensure that feedbacks of any nature (complaints, thanks, suggestions, recommendations by) are valuable pt. our work and that they are one of the main engines that provide default service improvement and development of the company.
Our motto: Faster than LIGHT