About Play Radio Romania
Play Radio, primul post de radio din Buzau, exclusiv pe internet, a inceput sa emita la data de 1 aprilie 2008 din cadrul Complexului Comercial Mara. Cu o echipa de 8 tineri plini de entuziasm, Play a pornit la drum cu dreptul. De-a lungul timpului unii au rezistat, altii au renuntat, dar am avut si oameni care au venit langa noi si ne-au ramas alaturi pana in ultimele clipe. Din pacate, din cauza dificultatilor financiare, in luna august 2008 am fost nevoiti sa luam decizia de a inchide Play Radio. Ascultatorii nostri fideli au fost foarte dezamagiti si am primit o multime de mesaje care ne multumeau pentru tot ceea ce am facut.
Le multumim la randul nostru, tuturor celor care au fost alaturi de noi.
La data de 31 octombrie 2008, am reluat activitatea. Play Radio este primul si singurul radio din tara dedicat exclusiv muzicii dance, tehno-dance si eurodance din anii ’90. 24 de ore din 24, 7 zile pe saptamana, 365 de zile pe an, transmitem cele mai bune piese dance din 1990 pana in 1999. Totul fara vorbe inutile sau stiri plictisitoare. Targetul nostru sunt oamenii activi cu varsta de la 23 de ani in sus.
Toata lumea cunoaste faptul ca in tara noastra sunt multe retele radio in FM, care pur si simplu au uitat de muzica dance a anilor ‘90, muzica ce a avut o mare influenta asupra pieselor pe care le putem asculta in ziua de astazi. Vrem sa readucem in fata toti artistii cunoscuti si nu numai, care au contribuit la dezvoltarea muzicii dance pe care o ascultam astazi, dar sa ne amintim si de tineretea noastra, de atmosfera din discotecile vremurilor de atunci si de ceea ce traiam in anii ‘90, cand ascultam aceste piese direct de pe batranul casetofon. Play Radio, the first radio station in Buzau, exclusively on the Internet, he began to emit from 1 April 2008 Commercial Complex Mara. With a team of 8 young people full of enthusiasm, Play started out right. Over time some have resisted, others have given up, but we had people who came near us and stayed with us until the last moment. Unfortunately, due to financial difficulties, in August 2008 we were forced to take the decision to close Play Radio. Our loyal listeners were very disappointed and I received a lot of messages that thank us for what we did.
Our turn to thank all those who supported us.
On 31 October 2008, we restarted. Play Radio is the first and only radio in the country devoted exclusively to dance music, techno-dance and eurodance '90s. 24 hours from 24, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, send the best dance songs from 1990 to 1999. All without words useless or boring news. Our target are active people aged from 23 years upwards.
Everyone knows that in our country there are many in FM radio networks that simply have forgotten dance music of the 90s, the music had a great influence on the parts that we can listen to today. We want to bring back in front of all the artists known and others who contributed to the development of dance music we listen to today, but to remember and our youth, discos atmosphere of those times and what was living in the '90s when listening to these songs directly from old cassette player.
by A####:
am dat doar 2 stele pentru ca aplicatia are ads-uri enervante, jingle-uri prea dese dupa fiecare melodie si mai ales ca au un volum prea tare ( o data la 30 min ar fi sufi ). Cand/daca se rezolva aceste 'probleme' o sa dau chiar 10 stele. pana atunci trebuie sa ne rupem urechile si difuzoarele cu jingle-uri la fiecare 3-4 min ! ????