About Zelena FF
Aplikacija Zelena FF je nastala v sklopu študentskega projekta PKP Živa fakultetna stavba, katerega cilj je informirati uporabnike glavne stavbe Filozofske fakultete o čim bolj energetsko učinkovitem vedenju ter tako zmanjšati porabo energije v stavbi. Aplikacija vsebuje zanimive podatke o energetski porabi stavbe, podatke o voznih redih avtobusov ter o prostih kolesih na postajah BicikeLJ. Vključena je tudi tematska igra, ki kot nalogo poda iskanje različnih predmetov v stavbi fakultete, ter slovarček energetskih pojmov. Application Green FF arose within the student project PKP Live faculty building, the aim of which is to inform users of the main building Faculty of the most energy efficient behavior and thus reduce energy consumption in the building. The application contains interesting data on the energy consumption of buildings, information about timetables of buses and spare wheel on stations Bicikelj. Also included is a thematic game as a search function across different subjects in the building of the faculty, as well as a glossary of terms of energy.