Henna painting, is, body painting with hand painting method that is usually identical with the middle east and India. As with tattoos, henna can also to decorate the body. The material is also very aman.Yakni from henna or henna nail plant that usually grows on Indian soil and middle east. In various regions, such as, Africa, Saudi Arabia, and India, have different and beautiful patterns. So for those Muslims who want to tattoo the body but are afraid of religious bans, ink needles, and expensive prices, do not worry! Because this henna tattoo is very safe for the skin with affordable price.And for the Muslims, can be in use while being worshiped. In addition to Islam is also jg can use it because it is for everyone who is interested. Henna is usually, mostly painted on hands and feet. But many also mentatonya in other body areas such as back, abdomen, shoulders, DLL.
The advantages of this application:
1. Can run without quotas (Offline)
2. Display Practical and attractive
3. The application is very easy to understand
4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make your smartphone is slow.
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