Become a Driver for Lyft! for Android
I'm very interested in your job offer from Lyft Driver Company and very happy to hear that you told me that my Lyft driver job application has been accounted
haven't started driving yet and already exhausted because of rediculous MYRIAD WEIRDED-OUT LOGO's FOR lyft... never in my history of business & social studies have i ever seen a company use so many different logos!!! frigging forfeits the purpose of having one!!! well, least they're keeping the hotPINK relatively consistent.
If you're dumb enough to think this is the real Lyft app, you prolly don't read reviews anyways. Anyways, good on this guy for the effort, but the app is lame and janky.
This is not the real Lift app. It's something someone made so he can get a referral bonus. Keep searching!
Why you you saying lyft drivers can 35 hrs?Stop lying. Only during bar rush is that possible.
Probably MALWARE tbh, looks dodgy
Drive lyft
Good job
haven't started driving yet and already exhausted because of rediculous MYRIAD WEIRDED-OUT LOGO's FOR lyft... never in my history of business & social studies have i ever seen a company use so many different logos!!! frigging forfeits the purpose of having one!!! well, least they're keeping the hotPINK relatively consistent.
Cant even get my phone number in right...
Not worth it
Garbage app
Probably MALWARE tbh, looks dodgy
by M####:
If you will like to drive for lyft use Promo code "FREERIDEPLEASE " to receive a starting bonus????????