About rttmc 2016
RTTMC sebagai pusat layanan informasi kondisi jalan raya dan koordinasi petugas Kementerian Perhubungan beserta jajaran terkait, mempunyai fitur antara lain :
1. Live Streaming kamera CCTV di jalur Pantura, Pansela, jalur tengah dan jalur barat.
2. Live Streaming kamera CCTV Mobile dan Drone.
3. Informasi kondisi lalu lintas di area kemacetan, terutama pada arus mudik, libur natal & tahun baru, serta libur panjang.
4. Berita terupdate seputar kondisi jalan (kemacetan, kecelakaan, pengalihan arus, dsb).
5. Memberikan layanan informasi secara langsung, melalui call center, sms center, dan live chat (Line & whatsapp).
6. Terintegrasi dengan sosial media (facebook, twitter) dalam menyampaikan informasi. RTTMC as an information service center highway conditions and coordination of the Ministry of Transportation officers and staffs related, has features such as:
1. Live Streaming CCTV cameras on the northern coast line, Pansela, the middle and the west path.
2. Live Streaming Mobile CCTV cameras and drones.
3. Information on traffic conditions in the area of congestion, especially on homecoming, Christmas and New Year holidays, as well as the long holiday.
4. The updated news about road conditions (congestion, accidents, traffic diversion, etc.).
5. Provide information services directly, through the call center, SMS center, and live chat (Line & whatsapp).
6. Integrated with social media (facebook, twitter) in conveying information.
by U####:
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