Radio Romania for Android
Aplicatia este 100% gratuita si nu cere accese dubioase. Este 100% clean(nu are virusi).
- conectarea la unele posturi de radio poate dura mai mult asta nu inseamna ca nu sunt functionale acele posturi
- toate posturile sunt functionale si voi incerca sa le pastrez asa, dar in caz de vreo schimbare, aplicatia va anunta printr-un mesaj pe ecran ca a aparut o eroare si postul numai este disponibil
Aplicatia este creata in totalitate de DenisProjects.
Daca iti place ajuta-ma cu 5 stele si share pe retelele sociale. Multumesc.
Radio Romania is an application that offers you the hottest radio stations in Romania.The application is 100% free and requires no dubious bouts. It is 100% clean (no viruses).
Attention !!
- Connection to some radio stations may take longer does not mean that those stations are not functional
- All stations are functional and I'll try to keep it that way, but in the event of any change, the application will announce a message on the screen as an error occurred and the post only available
The application is created entirely by DenisProjects.
If you like help me 5 stars and share on social networks. Thank you.
by Q####:
Nu ma deranjeaza reclamele , dar sa mearga...