About Oil PNN
Goldman and Morgan Stanley sometimes share predictions for stock markets. Yet the predictions are not on specific financial securities that may cross validate each other (e.g., UCO v.s. SCO). PNN helps investors train the AI (artificial intelligence) machine on specific securities to improve the forward-test accuracy of PNN charts.
Use PNN (predictive neural networks) to train your AI machine and cross-validate oil stocks (BP, PBR, CVX) trending with long and short oil ETFs (UCO, SCO). Without PNN, it takes investors weeks and thousands of dollars to manually trendspot financial securities.
You may want to plan 6-12 months to (1) train your AI machine for better forward-testing accuracy; (2) master the insights of the PNN charts for more successful investment decisions.
29.99 USD to use PNN for three times; afterwords a monthly fee is applied for unlimited use per month.