Sim gazeti - Form 4 past papers, Books, Newspapers for Android
Kitabu cha shushu bbasi kiwekeni natamani sana nikisome
The application is so useful
Nice app
Application nzuri sana hii
Ipo vizuri ilajitahidini kujibu gmail na email kwa wakati jamani.
Niceee ,easy to use....
Nzuri sana.
Should have been increased more sports news papers and other
Slow app bt inansaidia sana nkiwa nawah kazin au nipo ofisin kupata nakala ya gazwt...ifanyien kaz ili tusahau kabsa kupitia meza za magazeti
Baada ya updates ya hivi karibuni, App imezidi kuwa nzuri, hasa downloading haina kigugumizi na inafanyika kwa haraka.
Sijawahi kukaa zaidi ya wiki hii app isiniombe kuapdate
Its good...sema somtimes iko slow sana..mjitahidi kwenye hilo
Just downloaded it. Enjoyed it for the first time
Aplication iko vizuri
I'm enjoying the app
Sijapata code
App ni nzuri ina utaratibu mzuri lakini naona haijakizi mahitaji kwa 100% kwa sababu hakuna magazeti ninayoyapenda na kuyafuatilia kutoka grobal publisher nayo ni sani,ijumaa,amani nk na vile vile hamuingizi magazeti yote ya siku husika mnaingiza mawili tu na vitabu ni vichache vilevile hayo ndo mapungufu ya hii app mkirekebisha hayo nitakuwa baroz namba moja wa kuitangaza hii app yenu fanyeni hima kutuletea magazet pendwa
Great app
This app is very important in daily life, it gives full publications in quality manner. Not to mention that it's very easy to use.
This app is awesome, user friend and i like the fact that i can have a free sample book before purchase it. I recommend it.
I am downloading it anyway
This is well 4 whose lives bush area
Mko safi wakuu
This app is very important in daily life, it gives full publications in quality manner. Not to mention that it's very easy to use.
Keep on refining this app. All the best.
Nimekubali 5star's is on u SIM MAGAZETI (Good Application )
Highly recommend this app!
Hongereni sana. Ongezeni MTANZANIA, MWANANCHI, NIPASHE na some English newspapers. Pia continuity ni muhimu,sio leo mnaweka gazeti nne kesho moja tu.
This app is awesome, user friend and i like the fact that i can have a free sample book before purchase it. I recommend it.
Mmejitahidi sana kutuletea app hii maana wengine wadau wa kusoma magazeti na majarida mbali mbali, sasa hapa hata mtu akiwa mbali na huduma hizo/vibanda vya kuuza naimani akiwa na app hii atasoma bila tatizo. HONGERENI SANAA
Easy to use I can read the news and books on the go at anytime.. I like the new features the layout is good.
The app is friendly... easy to use than any... though it open no office word doc...
Lakini ongezeni magazeti hasa yale yanayosomwa na wengi. Ila nzuri sana
Nzuri sana nmeipenda
Very useful, excellent guys
Well done brothers
by Z####:
I'm glad to have "simgazeti app" because it help me to get what I was looking for! Thank you for giving us good service.