About DSE 英語考試必讀
集合歷屆22年包含ALE, CE及DSE英文科公開考試試題,並運用雲端應用及大數據技術,加上自然語言處理(NLP )加以分析,製成考試常用字字庫。
以Past Paper常用字字庫比較及評分,每日提供4篇最高分的南華早報(SCMP)文章。
By Data-HK 香港數據 http://data-hk.com
This app is designed for students who will take the DSE English Exam, and helps them effectively prepare this important exam in his life as they could not get into universities if they are poor in DSE English in Hong Kong.
It aims to help students who are not coming from elite schools (名校) or cannot afford to pay to “Star Tutors” (補習天王) in order to get a better grade in DSE. Those students hope to get higher grade, but they are lack of past paper, time and support to prepare DSE English Exam.
HKDSE, 中學文憑試, English, 英文, Hong Kong, 香港 Past 22 years, the collection includes ALE, CE and DSE English public examination papers, and the use of cloud applications and big data technology, coupled with natural language processing (NLP) to analyze, test commonly used words into character.
Past Paper font characters commonly used to compare and score the highest score four daily South China Morning Post (SCMP) article.
This program is designed for students who will sit for HKDSE help the candidates in the most efficient way to prepare for life in the most important public examinations.
Please support us by sharing this "natural language processing NLP-big data cloud applications," we want to do more similar applications in other subjects! Thanks for your support!
By Data-HK Hong Kong Data http://data-hk.com
This app is designed for students who will take the DSE English Exam, and helps them effectively prepare this important exam in his life as they could not get into universities if they are poor in DSE English in Hong Kong.
It aims to help students who are not coming from elite schools (schools) or cannot afford to pay to "Star Tutors" (tutorial King) in order to get a better grade in DSE. Those students hope to get higher grade, but they are lack of past paper, time and support to prepare DSE English Exam.
This program is no payment of any exams.
HKDSE, HKDSE, English, English, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
by C####:
The words are useless