About Lista de Tareas
Lista de Tareas es una aplicación donde podrás agregar tus notas,ideas,compras,etc que necesites guardar para utilizarlos a futuro, es muy simple de usar, solo debes ingresar el texto y al presionar guardar se guardara automáticamente a la lista general de tareas, además tienes la opción de compartir tus notas en diversos medios sociales, o si quieres copiar al portapapeles, para eso deberás presionar la tarea y se abrirá una ventana, presionar copiar, y la nota estará en el portapapeles listo para pegar en cualquier otro sitio, puedes visualizar el video Demo para entender en profundidad el funcionamiento de la aplicación.
Comenta la aplicación para seguir mejorando, califica con 5 estrellas (★★★★★), Gracias.
Licencia de iconos:
- Icons made by Plainicon from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY.
- Icons made by Pixel Buddha from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY. Task List is an application where you can add your notes, ideas, shopping, etc you need to save for use in the future, is very simple to use, just need to enter the text and press save is automatically saved to the overall list, you also have the option to share your notes on various social media, or if you want to copy to the clipboard, so that you must press the task and a window will open, press copy, and the note is on the clipboard ready for pasting elsewhere, you can view the video demo to understand in depth the operation of the application.
Discuss the application to continue to improve, qualified with 5 stars (★★★★★) Thanks.
Icons License:
- Icons made by Plainicon from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC BY 3.0.
- Icons made by Pixel Buddha from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC BY 3.0.