About appointments.school
appointments.school is an easy to use app, where students, parents and teachers together form a virtual classroom and inform each other about events. The app connects timetable, appointment management and messaging functionally in an amazing way so that every member immediately recognizes, which event is the next and whether deadlines must be met.
For this purpose, usually the teacher creates a new classroom and distributes the access informations to students and / or parents. This "classroom" includes a special calendar based on the timetable, a message area for comments, questions and general discussion and an additional overview of all upcoming appointments.
All members as well as the school can easily and at any time record appointments and post messages. These are automatically and immediately distributed to all others. In this way, even short-term changes such as substituded or spontaneous cancelled lessons and more can be published very easily and accurately.
examples are
- Homework
- tests
- Substituted lessons
- Free hours
- Fixed and movable holidays
Changes to events are also performed as a message in the message area.
To participate in a classroom no personal information such as phone number are needed. The privacy of the subscriber is protected in any case.
Function overview:
✔ Calendar in Timetable view
✔ Messenger
✔ Homework
✔ Tests
✔ Substitutions
✔ Failures and days off
✔ School Dates of the school's homepage
✔ Unlimited Timetables
Credit: © Picture-Factory / Dollar Photo Club
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appointments.school version 1.5.1 on your
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Android package:
com.d4mobile.schultermine, download appointments.school.apk