About The Millibit: Understand Technology Bit by Bit
The Millibit takes confusing technology concepts, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and explains them in the easiest way possible.
Examples of topics covered:
-What is Github, and how does it work?
-How to secure your Android app (pt. 1)
-How anyone can hack your Android APK (pt. 2)
-IOT explained to a fifth grader
-How to speed up your computer
-What's a bitmap, and how do I effectively integrate it?
-Everything you need to know about material design
-Networking Explained
-Saving data in the cloud using Firebase
-Firebase cloud messaging tutorial
-How to debug on Android wirelessly
-Net neutrality in a nutshell
-How to add libraries in Android Studio (in three steps)
-Firebase tutorial 2: Security and Anonymous Authentication
-Machine learning and Neural Networks
-Booting a virtual machine on your computer (Android, Windows, Mac, etc.)
-And many more!
Note: All blog posts are written and owned by Ruchir Baronia. This intellectual property CAN NOT be copied without his permission.
4G, Aggregator, Agile, Ajax, Algorithm, Benchmarking, Back-end, Beta, Big data - larger data sets than last month, Bleeding edge, Blockchain, bitcoin, Blog, Bring your own Device - use of personal equipment (usually mobile) in a work environment, Bricks-and-clicks, Clickthrough, Cloud, Collaboration, Content Management, Content Management System, Convergence, Cross-platform, Cyber-physical Systems (CPS), Datafication, bitcoin, Data mining, Data science, Deep dive, Deep learning, Deep web, Design pattern, DevOps, Digital divide, Digital Remastering, Digital Rights Management, Digital signage, Disruptive Technologies, bitcoin, Document management, Dot-bomb, tech news, E-learning, End-to-End, Engine, Enterprise Content Management, Enterprise Service Bus, Evolution, Framework. Front-end, Folksonomy, Fuzzy logic, Growth Hacking, HTML5, IaaS, Immersion, Information superhighway / Information highway, Internet of Things, Innovation, Lambda, Machine Learning, Mashup, bitcoin, Microservices, Mobile, Modularity, Nanotechnology, bitcoin, Netiquette, Next Generation, news, PaaS, Podcasting, Portal, Real-time, Responsive Web Design, Sensorization, SaaS, Scalability, Skeuomorphic, Social bookmarking, bitcoin, Social software, bitcoin, SDN- Software defined Networking, SPA, Single Pane-of-Glass, Spam, Strategic Ineptness, tech news, Sync-up, electricity, learn, cool, awesome, fun, smart, for teens, for adults, for kids, tech for kids, tech for teens, any age, complicated, simple, easy, hard, difficult, understand, Systems Development Life-Cycle, Tagging, Think outside the box, Transmedia, UC - Unified Communications, Viral, Virtualization, Vortal, Web 2.0, Webinar, Weblog, Web services, Wikiality, Workflow, bitcoin, tech reviews, Big data, Autonomous Vehicles, virtual reality, developer, coding, programming, free, technology explained, app, blog, journal, tech tutorial, science, technology, learning, teaching, learn to code, learn technology, learn artificial intelligence, how to code, computer tricks, mobile first, bitcoin, artificial intelligence, bitcoin, AI, machine learning, blockchain, tech news, IOT, quantum computing, encryption, cybersecurity, tutorial, hacking, serverless architecture, dark data, digital productivity, digital detox, microservice architecture, analytics, self-service analytics, networking, augmented reality, storytelling, thought leadership, social media, ecosystem, pivet, millenials, 5g, 4g, 3g, tutorial, tech blog,