About lagu melly goeslaw - Promise
Melly telah sukses menciptakan banyak lagu, di antaranya lagu berjudul "Jika" di mana Melly Goeslaw berduet bersama Ari Lasso, kemudian disusul dengan kesuksesannya menciptakan lagu “Menghitung Hari” yang dibawakan oleh Krisdayanti serta lagu “Hati Yang Terpilih”, "Tegar" "Ayat-Ayat Cinta", "Atas Nama Cinta", "Hey Ladies" yang dibawakan oleh Rossa, dan "Jera" dibawakan oleh penyanyi muda Agnes Monica langsung mendapat sambutan hangat dari masyarakat. Bukan itu sahaja, Melly juga telah mencipta dua buah lagu kepada penyanyi popular dari Malaysia yaitu Datuk Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin yang berjudul "Biarlah Rahsia" dan "Pastikan" dimuatkan di dalam album yang berjudul Transkripsi (album) sekaligus kedua-duanya dijadikan single. Kedua-dua lagu tersebut mendapat sambutan yang hangat di Malaysia sehingga menenggelamkan single-single lain yang tidak kalah hebatnya dari album itu. Lagu "Biarlah Rahsia" telah mendapat anugerah lagu terbaik di Anugerah Planet Muzik pada tahun 2007.
Sebelum dikenali umum sebagai Melly Goeslaw, ia bersama suaminya terlebih dahulu mendirikan grup musik Potret yang mana Melly menjadi vokalis grup itu. Melly yang menganut agama Islam bernikah dengan Anto Hoed pada tahun 1995 silam. Kini mereka dikaruniai dua orang anak lelaki yang diberi nama-nama yang cukup unik. Anak pertama mereka Anakku Lelaki Hoed (Ale) lahir pada 22 Agustus 2000, disusul anak kedua mereka Pria Bernama Hoed (Abe) yang lahir 9 Mei 2003. Selain telah mengorbitkan banyak penyanyi Melly Goeslaw adalah seorang komposer yang sangat hebat, dia mampu menciptakan lagu - lagu yang tidak kalah hebat, seperti di album solonya yang pertama "melly" , Melly mengajak Ari Lasso untuk berduet dengannya, dan lagu tersebut berjudul "Jika", lagu itu sukses dipasaran.
Meskipun demikian, Melly mengaku jika dia sama sekali tidak bisa membaca not balok. Jika dia sedang mendapat inspirasi, dia selalu meminta suaminya, Anto Hoed untuk menulis notasinya. Penyanyi yang sering berdandan nyentrik ini sempat 3 tahun fakum di dunia musik tanah air bagi memberi tumpuan kepada album Potret dan kelahiran anak sulungnya. Pada tahun 2002, dia mendapat tawaran soundtrack dengan didampingi suaminya, Anto Hoed. Kini namanya sangat diperhitungkan dalam blantika dunia hiburan di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Ia jago menyanyi, membuat lagu, membuat sountrack film, akting (melalui video klipnya), menulis hingga menjadi produser film. Pikiran dan jiwanya seolah tak pernah berhenti memunculkan karya-karya baru yang tidak saja indah, ngetop, tetapi juga mendalam. Tanpa diasah, bakat itu tak pernah ada. Tanpa bekerja ekstra keras keberhasilan itu tak mungkin dirayakan. Begitulah Melly mewujudkan namanya hingga menjadi dirinya kini.
Pada tahun 2002, Melly Goeslaw mendapat tawaran soundtrack dengan didampingi suaminya, Anto Hoed. Soundtrack pertamanya "Ada Apa Dengan Cinta" yang sudah mendapat sukses besar di Indonesia, dan soundtracknya pun juga terkenal di berbagai negara salah satunya Malaysia, seperti lagu "Ku Bahagia", "Bimbang" dan "Ada Apa Dengan Cinta ?",. Belum lama merilis album solonya yang ke-2, Melly mendapat soundtrack lagi, yang berjudul "Apa Artinya Cinta ?", di soundtrack ini Melly mengajak teman duet lamanya yaitu Ari lasso untuk menjadi teman soundtrack dalam single yang pertama yaitu lagu yang berjudul "Apa Artinya Cinta ?". Pada tahun berikutnya Melly Goslaw mendapat soundtrack lagi, yaitu film yang sangat fenomenal, "My Heart". Tapi sayangnya Melly Goeslaw tidak ikut bernyanyi, Melly Goeslaw Dan Anto Hoed hanya menjadi konmposer/Pencipta semua lagu yang ada didalamnya, dan singlenya sangat sukses dipasaran yang berjudul "My Heart", "Pencinta Wanita", "Berdua Lebih Baik" dan "Sampai Menutup Mata". Film ini telah mengangkat nama Irwansyah dan Acha Septriasa di Indonesia serta Malaysia. Melly has succeeded in creating a lot of songs, including a song called "If" in which Melly Goeslaw duet with Ari Lasso, followed by success created the song "Counting The Days" hosted by Kiyani as well as the song "Heart of the Chosen", "Tough" Paragraph " -Ayat Love "," In the name of Love "," Hey Ladies "performed by Rossa, and" Jera "sung by a young singer Agnes Monica immediately received a warm welcome from the community. Not that sake only, Melly also has created two songs to the popular singer from Malaysia namely Datuk Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin entitled "Let Secrets" and "sure" is loaded in an album titled Transcription (album) as well as both single serve. Both the song received a warm welcome in Malaysia so as to drown the other singles are no less great than the album. The song "Let Secrets" had received the grace of the best songs in Anugerah Planet Muzik 2007.
Before the general recognized as Melly Goeslaw, she and her husband first founded the music group portraits where Melly became the group's vocalist. Melly who embraced Islam to get married in 1995 Anto Hoed ago. Now they have two sons who were given names that are quite unique. Their first child Son He hoed (Ale) was born on August 22, 2000, followed by their second child Men Named Hoed (Abe), who was born May 9, 2003. In addition to already orbiting many singers Melly Goeslaw is a very great composer, he was able to create songs - the song is no less intense, as in his first solo album "melly" Ari Lasso Melly invited to duet with him, and the song titled "If", the song was successful in the market.
Nonetheless, Joey admitted if he was not able to read music. If he's got the inspiration, she always asks her husband, Anto Hoed to write notation. The singer who often dress up this eccentric fakum was 3 years in the country music world for giving the pedestal to the album Images and the birth of her eldest son. In 2002, he received an offer soundtracks, accompanied by her husband, Anto Hoed. Now his name is highly regarded in the world of entertainment in Indonesia and Malaysia. He was good at singing, making a song, make a movie soundtrack, acting (via music videos), write to a film producer. Mind and soul as if she never stops led to new works that are not only beautiful, ngetop, but also depth. Without honed, talent was never there. Without the extra hard work that success could not be celebrated. That Melly realize his name to be him now.
In 2002, Melly Goeslaw received an offer soundtrack accompanied by her husband, Anto Hoed. His first soundtrack "Ada Apa Dengan Cinta" that have got huge success in Indonesia, and the soundtrack is also well-known in many countries one of which Malaysia, such as the song "My Happiness", "denting" and "Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?" ,. Not long ago released his solo album The 2nd, Jimmy got the soundtrack again, titled "What Is Love?", In this soundtrack Melly invite friends duet length is Ari Lasso to be a friend of the soundtrack in the singles first is a song called "What It Means love? ". In the following year Melly Goslaw got another soundtrack, the film has been phenomenal, "My Heart". But unfortunately Melly Goeslaw not sing, Melly Goeslaw and Anto Hoed only be konmposer / Creator of all the songs in it, and the single was very successful in the market titled "My Heart", "Lover of Women", "Two are Better" and "Up Close Eye". This film has made a name for Irwansyah and Acha Septriasa in Indonesia and Malaysia.