Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media Free App

Rated 3.97/5 (1,380) —  Free Android application by Common Sense Media

About Common Sense Media

PLEASE NOTE: We have updated our Privacy Policy as of April 21, 2016.

Common Sense Media helps your family make smart media choices! We offer the most comprehensive and trusted library of learning ratings, age suggestions, and content reviews for movies, games, apps, TV shows, websites, and books.

Download the Common Sense Media app to put the power of our entire library of 20,000 ratings and reviews in your hands, and find the best media options for your children.

Create profiles for your kids to personalize your search, and discover fun learning apps, recommended movies, and inspiring books to help your child thrive!

Plus, get movie showtimes and download products directly from Google Play and Amazon right from our review.

Key features:

• Read detailed reviews give parents critical content info, including amount of violence, sex, bad language, positive role models, and much more.

• Want a second opinion? See reviews and ratings from parents and kids right from the app.

• Learning ratings provide detailed advice on the educational value of apps, games, and websites.

• "Apps for Learning" highlights the best Android apps for learning--and lets you download those apps right from the review.

• "My Kids" feature allows parents to create profiles for each of their kids to personalize their search for age-appropriate movies, games, apps, TV shows, websites, and books.

• “Top Picks” are hand-picked lists from our editors to help parents discover the very best media for kids.

• "Families Can Talk About” feature gives parents conversation starters to talk to their kids about what they are watching, playing, and reading.

• “Get Showtimes” allows you to search for movies in theaters near you without leaving the app.

• “See it in Google Play” lets you easily download media in Google Play directly from reviews.

• Watch video reviews of top movie releases.

• Save reviews as favorites or share with friends on Facebook or Twitter.

• Get notifications when new reviews are posted.

• Optimized for tablets.

Note: you cannot view actual media in our app (except for our video reviews), though we do offer Google Play and Amazon links.

A note about privacy and app permissions:

Common Sense Media is committed to user privacy and transparency. So we want you to know exactly what permissions this app requests during the installation process and why. Here’s the full list:

• “Read phone status and identity” and “Allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception” allows us to integrate AT&T U-verse functionality so that you can search for content on your set-top box.

• “Take pictures and videos” allows us to use the device’s camera so that you can take pictures of your kids in the My Kids section for a more personalized experience. These photos never leave your device.

• “Approximate location (network-based)” and “Precise location (GPS and network-based)” allows us to fetch your location so that you can get local showtimes for movies in theaters near you without leaving the app.

• “Modify or delete the contents of your SD card” and “Read the contents of your SD card” allows us to store pictures taken in the My Kids section and cache Google Maps data when getting showtimes and searching for movies in theaters near you.

• “Find accounts on the device,” ”Read Google service configuration,” and “Use accounts on the device” allows you to register and log in with your email address or through a social network, and also allows us to use Google Play services like Google Maps in the app.

• “Change network connectivity,” “Full network access, “Receive data from Internet,” “View network connections,” and “View Wi-Fi connections” allows us to access the Internet and connect to the server so that you can view our content through app.

• “Control vibration” and “Prevent phone from sleeping” allows us to push notifications to you if you enable notifications.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Common Sense Media version 3.9 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.csm.KidsMedia, download Common Sense Media.apk

All Application Badges

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
- UI enhancements.
- Various bug fixes.
More downloads  Common Sense Media reached 100 000 - 500 000 downloads
Version update Common Sense Media was updated to version 3.9
Version update Common Sense Media was updated to version 3.4
More downloads  Common Sense Media reached 50 000 - 100 000 downloads

What are users saying about Common Sense Media

by X####:

It's good but some of the reviews are waaaayy off. Sometimes they say there is so much gore when the worst thing you see in the film is a minor cut. But, some of the reviews are accurate. Although I am not a parent, I am a teen who uses this to see what video games/movies I can play/watch. Once, again some of the reviews are inaccurate.

by X####:

Love this. It tells you what movies or books or even games are about. Tells you whats in that movie the good and the bad from positive mesaage to violence, drinking, sexual content and more. A must have in my opinion. Never any issues works great on my phone.

by X####:

Its quite inaccurate sometimes. Sometimea it says that a movie has lots of gore when theres only a small bullet wound or cut but it is often accurate and i use it even though im a teen not a parent to se what i can play watch or read.

by X####:

We have come to trust CSM's reviews as accurate and extremely helpful in sorting through the glut of media to find quality entertainment. The apps UI is logical and easy to navigate. Keep up the great work!

by L####:

I wish that I could search books by author. I am not always sure of the titles, but I do know authors. Thankful I found this app to help decide if I do or do not want to read certain books.

by S####:

The app crashes whenever I try and sign up or sign in. Fix this and it will get 5 stars.

by X####:

the app is continuously crashing whenever I try to sign up/log in. it would be a great resource, and I've used the Web version, but the app is very frusturating

by X####:

Common Sense app keeps telling me to check that Internet working and won't link to stuff from main page. Chrome & Firefox works on other pages at same time. Uninstalling.

by X####:

I'm having problems with app. I keep getting a message saying unable to connect.

by X####:

Can not sign in on Samsung note 3. It gives me the message of can not connect to the server and to check Internet connection. But everything else on my phone is connecting to the internet.

by J####:


by X####:

It's crashing while signing up

by O####:

Easy way to check in on ages for books, movies, shows and apps. Grateful for the guidance it provides!

by E####:

Lackluster design, but great content makes up for it.

by X####:

Try this app

by X####:

Great for families!!!

by X####:

Pretty accurate

by E####:

I'd be lost without this incredibly helpful and informative app. I ❤ how it tells you the amount of violence, sex, bad language etc that each movie has. Perfect for working out what movies are appropriate for my teens.

by X####:

This app is great for all ages and recommend it mostly for those who like to see what age movies are before they let there kid watch/read it

by W####:

The content provided by Common Sense media is very good, and it's great to have this readily available on my phone. However, this app runs the in the background constantly, consuming precious resources and memory. I do use this app from time to time to look up various movies and media for our kids, but not enough to justify having the app in the back all the time.

by X####:

My parents are super hard to please when it comes to what video games are appropriate for me to get. Common Sense Media is the greatest thing on Earth for reviews and ratings, so my parents know everything possible about a gane. My favorite part is the age ratings from both the parents and the kids. Great work, guys!

by X####:

But.....some ratings are off by a mile. There are many things Ive seen rated for youth, I wouldnt let my older teenagers watch or view. Maybe remove the ability for kids under 18 to review titles over a certain rating? Or if a game/movie/ect. has a sexual, drug, profanity rating, over a certain level disallow under 18 to rate it?

by C####:

Love this app. Really helpful and think the "thing families can talk about" is excellent. Would it be possible to have it link to Amazon as well? Understand this would be more complicated as country specific.

by X####:

This is a great tool for helping determine which game I should get for my young son. It seems like so many of the popular games are loaded with profanity and sexual content.

by I####:

The app lies about what devices and OSes things will run on. It says Crossy road for example says it will only run on iOS and fire phone. The game will actually also run on Android, windows 10, windows 8 and windows phone. Also I don't like how iPod, iPhone, and iPad are also listed as separate devices, instead of just iOS. It doesn't says os versions also.

by X####:

Well i kinda disagreed on some but i like the way they rate the apps so kids can make sure they can be on it. Thats why I liked 4 stars

by O####:

I consult this app a lot before I let my children watch something I haven't seen. Thank you for all the time and effort that went into this!

by C####:

This is great for helping to determine if a movie or game is appropriate for my kids. It does give a recommendation for age but the details about content and what issues are raised is even more helpful for judging what is ok for MY kids.

by X####:

This our go-to resource for finding age-appropriate and great books and movies for our kids.

by X####:

I am a teacher and I am always in a need to know about the books, movies and TV shows for my students, especially which are worth to read or watch. Visiting this site and app is like my everday ritual...

by X####:

In violent video games, it tells you all the horrible things and why your child shouldn't play a game, but what it doesn't tell you is that you can totally skip that inappropriate thing in the game. In payday 2 it says that you sell cocaine and meth to people, but what it doesn't say is that you can just not do the watchdogs mission and totally avoid the drug reference.

by U####:

CSM is my go to place for all shows and apps before I let my kids view them. The app is easy to navigate.

by Z####:

Always like to know what other people rate books before reading them. Loved it!!

by X####:

Great, go to app, 4 all the time before waching movie

by L####:

But can't write reviews or read kid and parent written reviews

by X####:

Use it all the time for all kinds of materials

by X####:

I always check here before we watch anything

by X####:

Such a great parenting tool

by S####:

I have found this really useful when choosing suitable movies for my teens to watch. Not only does it give you synopsis of the film, but it tells you how much sex or violence etc in the content. It will also give example of sex content which helps make your decision on the movies suitability for your child. Love it. Use it all the time.

by S####:

Pun intended. Anyway, common sense media overall does a good job of giving parental advice. Content such as sex stuff, violence, and language are separated into their own brief little sections. It also talks about things like positive messages/role models and consumerism. But their entries for music are the reason it loses a star. You are much more likely to find a "CD single" than a full album. And, worse yet, Story of my life (1D) and burn (ellie ghoulding) have 8+. What? Otherwise, this is useful.

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