About eRaspored
eRaspored mobilna aplikacija Vam omogućava spremanje važnih datuma testova i rasporeda sati tako da se uvijek možete podsjetiti kad pišete koji predmet ili koji sat imate neki predmet.
Upisivanje testova:
- Upis odgovarajućeg predmeta
- Odabir datuma kojeg se test piše
- Odabir načina (usmeni ili pismeni)
- Odabir sata kojeg se piše test (0-7)
Upisivanje rasporeda:
- Dvije vrste rasporeda (ujutro i popodne)
- Pet dana po osam sati (0-7)
-Ispod rasporeda prostor za važne bilješke eRaspored mobile application allows you to store your important dates of tests and the timetable so that you can always remember when you write that object or that you have an object lesson.
Writing tests:
- Registration of the relevant scope
- Select the date on which the test is written
- Selecting the method (oral or written)
- Choosing an hour which writes the test (0-7)
Entering the schedule:
- Two types of schedule (morning and afternoon)
- Five days after eight hours (0-7)
-Ispod Schedule space for important notes