About 防範各種異端
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照著聖經的啟示、末世的第一個現象就是異端邪說愈來愈多。 (參太二四4-5;約壹二18;彼後二1-2)
因為撒但知道他的時間不多,就企圖藉異端邪說來迷惑神的眾兒女,從而破壞神的教會。所以,信徒們應該加倍的謹慎警醒,以真理作裝備,為真理打美好的仗。 *** Must first download the "Christian stacks" in order to read. (Please go to "Christian stacks" in reading this book) *** Cheng grace book
According to biblical revelation, the first phenomenon is the end of the world more and more heresy. (Cf. Matt twenty-four 4-5; approximately 0112 18; II Peter 1-2)
Because Satan knows much of his time, it attempts to confuse heresy by all children of God, thereby undermining the church of God. Therefore, believers should redouble caution alert to the truth and equipment, fight the good fight for the truth.