Kisah Nabi Dan Rosul for Android
Kisah Nabi dan Sahabat ditujukan untuk semua usia, baik anak-anak, remaja, dewasa dan orang tua sebagai bacaan yang mendidik, dan sebagai pengetahuan untuk lebih mengenal, lebih dekat, dan mengetahui keagungan akhlak Nabi Muhammad SAW serta para Sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi semua umat muslim.
App contains a collection of stories of the Prophet and the Companions were amazing and heartwarming and full of wisdom, and exemplary in his role models is an example for his people.The story of the Prophet and the Companions intended for all ages, both children, adolescents, adults and the elderly as reading educate, and as the knowledge to more familiar, closer, and moral greatness of the Prophet Muhammad and the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad.
May be useful for all Muslims.