Stretches for Flexibility for Android
Wow can't believe you are a very beautiful woman and I will be in good shape for dance thanks for your help!!!!!!!
My daughter. Loves gymnastics and it perfect for her
I love it so much but the thing is is that why does it show only one video that is the Question
It doesn't work!!
Didn't work at all
It doesn't have any stretches.
Horrible Bad
It is good
I just hate it i did like 2 stretcher and its turning the heck out of my back. And i dancelover1132 alot so it better not effect me and i gave you a 2 so you better be happy i diskriminasi give you a 1
AMAZING! And this may not be your fault by why is it rated mature 17+? I don't know if you rate it or not (I've never made an app.
I hate it so much you can only watch 1 video and so many adds I HATE IT
It is 1 video, I go to gymnastics I know that is not a good streah to start with
I could not do a back hand spring and now I can
Okay I don't know like can I do it at home with my parents seeing me ???
It doesnt work at all
Love it helps alot and doesnt hurt
It's okay and good for me.
Love it why cause it really makes you flexible
Does not work
You could barely get in
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Haven't pulled a musical since I got
I love to be flexible
Cool! It really helps
This app is very amazing
So amazing
Can someone tell me why you have to be 17 just to see this video for?She has a lot covering her body.Wow just wow Gogle you are crazy.
I love this game it really made me flexible.
Wont even let me in just shows 3 options
I am flexbul now this is great
Its amazing i can do anything even a ariel SO FLEXIBLE =D
My daughter. Loves gymnastics and it perfect for her
I'm way more flexible then ever thanks.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just hate it i did like 2 stretcher and its turning the heck out of my back. And i dancelover1132 alot so it better not effect me and i gave you a 2 so you better be happy i diskriminasi give you a 1
Hd hgf k
I could not do a back hand spring and now I can
It only shows 1 video
واو يقوي العضلة
by Q####:
Wassup with this app it doesn't work at all!