About Conversion Calculator
Units of measure conversion of 27 categories useful for engineers and scientist. Categories provided are length, area, volume, mass, mass flux, temperature, delta temperature, pressure, delta pressure, density, viscosity, kinematic viscosity, molar flow, volume flow, mass flow, velocity, acceleration, energy, power, force, surface tension, fouling resistance, thermal conductivity, heat transfer, heat flux, latent heat, and heat capacity. Included are a table of constants for the gas constant R, gravitational acceleration, Avogadro's Number, Boltzmann's constant, Newton's conversion constant, Planck's constant, Faraday's constant, Stefan-Boltzmann constant, velocity of light, velocity of sound, heat of fusion of water, and heat of vaporization of water. Intuitive design for quick access to unit of measure conversion designed to prevent engineers and scienties from crashing a satellite on Mars!
by J####:
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