About ZUZU精選
Line ID:zuzukorea
正韓精品 每週空運來台
안녕하세요^^*我是"WTO姐妹會"中來自韓國的ZUZU ^^
還有如果台灣朋友們有想要購買的韓國商品,ZUZU也有代購的服務喔~! Line ID: zuzukorea
Regular weekly air quality in Taiwan Han
안녕하세요 ^ ^ * I am a "WTO Sisters" in ZUZU from Korea ^ ^
We are pleased to recognize this, you are also very welcome to come here ~
ZUZU work before the Korean entertainment industry, so I hope Korea can be introduced to the latest fashion styles Taiwanese friends.
Marketplace quality clothes have been carefully selected and are largely ZUZU themselves or loved showbiz Korea recently the latest fashion,
I hope my friends will like Taiwan ^ ^
If there Taiwanese friends who have wanted to buy Korean products, ZUZU also purchasing service Oh!