About الكل
“الكل “ مبادرة تهدف لتدريب الشباب الليبي المهتم باكتساب مهارات إعلامية وتقديم أخبار وتقارير متوازنة للأحداث في ليبيا والعالم.
نرحب بآرائكم وتفاعلكم عن ما يحدث في ليبيا و العالم.
الكل مشروع منفذ من قبل بي بي سي ميديا أكشن و مدعوم من قبل مكتب الشؤون الخارجية .
El Kul is a training initiative aimed at young Libyans who want to gain media skills and provide balanced, fair reporting on events in Libya and stories of interest to Libyans everywhere. El Kul wants to hear your views about what's happening in Libya and the wider world.
The El Kul project is made with the support of BBC Media Action, the training and development arm of the BBC and is funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
In this app you can find:
فيسبوك الكل, تويتر الكل, انستاقرام الكل, صور الكل, يوتيوب الكل, عن الكل, اتصل بنا "All" initiative which aims to train young people interested in the acquisition of Libyan media skills and provide balanced news and reports of events in Libya and the world.
Welcome your comments and Tvaalkm about what is happening in Libya and the world.
All port project by BBC Media Action, and supported by the Office of Foreign Affairs.
El Kul is a training initiative aimed at young Libyans who want to gain media skills and provide balanced, fair reporting on events in Libya and stories of interest to Libyans everywhere. El Kul wants to hear your views about what's happening in Libya and the wider world.
The El Kul project is made with the support of BBC Media Action, the training and development arm of the BBC and is funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
In this app you can find:
All Facebook, Twitter all, Anstagheram All, All Photos, YouTube all, for all, contact us