Zwemschool Haarlemmermeer for Android
De lessen staan onder leiding van ervaren zweminstructrices, die volgens de laatste inzichten uw kinderen opleiden tot de A, B en C-Diploma's. Zwemschool Haarlemmermeer is een erkend opleidings- en exameninstituut, hierdoor bent u er zeker van dat uw kind het internationaal erkende Zwemdiploma behaald!
Zwemschool Haarlemmermeer has a clear vision of giving zwemonderwijs. This is done in small groups with up to five children! leaving ample attention for each child. The starting point is among other things that your child (ren) experienced several successful moments. We achieve this through the interim issuing various certificates. These certificates motivate the students enormously, give confidence and make swimming lessons fun! Of course you can monitor progress via the Internet swim score; We find it important that you always can see the progress themselves.The classes are led by experienced zweminstructrices who educate your children according to the latest insights into the A, B and C Diplomas. Zwemschool Haarlemmermeer is a recognized examination and training institute, so you are sure that your child's internationally recognized Zwemdiploma achieved!