About Moj parfem
Žena bez parfema je žena bez budućnosti rekla je čuvena Koko Šanel. Parfem je način da okolini pošaljete najbolju poruku o sebi, jer miris poseduje tu moćnu karakteristiku da nas učini lepšom, ne samo u očima drugih nego i u onoj najstrožoj predstavi o sebi. Parfem poseduje i legendarnu moć zavođenja. U prošlosti, mirisi su bili skupoceni kao dragulji. Danas, postoje mirisi za određena godišnja doba, za pojedina doba dana, za određene situacije i specifična raspoloženja. Odabrati pravi parfem koji će na savršen način podvući našu eleganciju i šarm nije lak zadatak. Za njegovo rešavanje potrebno je strpljenje, ljubav i dobro poznavanje mirisa.
Prošli su dani kada se na mušku kožu nanosila samo staromodna kolonjska voda. Moderan muškarac danas na raspolaganju ima široku lepezu različitih mirisa: za dan i posao, za veče i provod, parfeme za leto i parfeme za zimu, sportske i elegantne parfeme. A woman without a perfume is a woman without a future she is famous Coco Chanel. Perfume is a way to send the best destination of the message itself, because the smell has powerful features that make us more beautiful, not only in the eyes of others, but also that of the strictest self-image. Perfume has the legendary power of seduction. In the past, the smells were like precious jewels. Today, there are smells in certain seasons, for different times of day, for certain situations and specific mood. Choose the right perfume that will perfect way to underline our elegance and charm is not an easy task. For its solution takes patience, love and a good knowledge of the fragrance.
Gone are the days when the male skin plied only old-fashioned cologne. Modern man now has at its disposal a wide array of different scents: for the day and work for the evening and night out for the summer perfumes and fragrances for winter sports and elegant perfume.